“...did damage to the right with his theatrics...”
Actually, friend, I think the ONLY people he did damage to were the scared, pathethic RINOs of his day, and they teamed with their buddies on the Left to destroy him.
Cowards, then as now, will always be scumbags.
McCarthy saw a threat, spotlighted it, and the cockroaches gathered to overwhelm him.
The Venona transcripts released in the 90s proved him right, and vindicated him.
Anne Coulter did a good, long write up on Senator Joe in “Treason”. Worth the read.
Why didn’t he just release the list he had in his hand?
would have cleared him up right away.
i know the threat was horrific.
But if you say you have a list, hand it over.
but i wasn’t born till 68 so I dont know the whole story.
have to do some reading ;)