I had mentioned in another reply (another thread?) that this flyer would probably cause be to react either:
1) Wow - how rude!
2) Hmm - I need to vote - all my neighbors are.
3) Hey - none of my idiot (liberal) neighbors vote! Maybe my vote DOES count!
That is, if I even opened it up. Yes it has created a twitter storm. But lots of mass mailings like this (old campaign stuff, clearinghouse magazines, etc.) use similar things to get people to bite. I find all of that crap stupid and playing on people’s fears. But I guess in the marketing world it works.
Of course with the internet storm this latest one has created - maybe they’ll have to go back to the marketing drawing board on the pros/cons of it.
I would like to know what, if anything, was on the back of the page we have seen, or if anything else was in the envelope.
I saw one picture of other side of envelope on Twitter—I believe it said “Election Violation”
I get crap like this from various organization, etc..Open immediately, etc. They always try to make the mass mailing junk mail look official—Very annoying and creepy....
It is just not something I would expect from a supposed limited government type. Annddd he did not apologize-—he doubled down. :(
This kind of stuff in the mail, or any mailings that try to make themselves look “official”, only cause me to dislike the sender, esp. when I see my elderly Dad getting a ton of them. (The marketers know who to go after.)
Further, if my name showed up to a neighbor in a mailing containing a fraudulent record of my voting frequency, I’d be thoroughly pissed. If that’s not illegal, it should be.
Better worded:
Further, if a mailing containing a fraudulent record of my voting frequency showed up at one of my neighbors, I’d be thoroughly pissed. If that’s not illegal, it should be.