For all his flaws, Cruz is still the most conservative candidate based on his voting record and policy positions.
Ben Carson is probably the most honest, even though Trump found an angle to go after that strong suit of his. In spite of this, Carson is almost honest to a fault. I do not mean that he should lie, but there are times when it is better to keep your mouth shut, like when Glen Beck said he prefers Sanders to Trump. Stupid.
If Trump is held up to scrutiny the way Cruz is being here for petty things, he would have been out a long time ago.
I would really love to see members of this forum get back to conservative principles as the basis for picking representatives, rather than personal grudges, biases, and irrelevant matters.
Trump has a tremendous advantage over Cruz when it comes to being able to get things done. He has pledged to govern conservatively. I would like to see conservatives get more specific commitments from him now before the general — things like a pledge to defund Planned Parenthood.
But pegged in order of conservatism, I think (and organizations that track this) that Cruz comes out on top. Based on their policy positoins, I would put the top candidates in this order:
The GOP nod is Trump’s to lose. He needs to solidify his base by picking a solid conservative running mate. I was hoping for Cruz. Allen West would do well. Maybe Palin.
Trump has been "VETTED" for decades; by the MSM, his books are out there, and even by the government, since they have asked him to appear before committees to talk about financial matters and such.
Cruz knows nothing at all about finance, has flip flopped many times over re ILLEGAL ALIENS, etc., and as for his Conservatives we have to go into TPA et al ?
I just LOVE the way some here talk about the supposed civility of days gone by. At primary/elections season? It is to laugh! LOL
You have your opinion, I have mine, and never the twain shall meet. Lets just leave it at that.
your “positoins” are positions of a small minded idiot. Just saying.
I really want to like Cruz. I really can’t any more.
In matters of volume, he probably has a good conservative voting record. But the HB1 vote, the TPA vote, and the wretched illegals mess are the proverbial dog turds in the brownie batter.
If it’s important enough, just a few bad votes can taint an entire record.