I AM a Trump supporter and I KNOW he is right.
After 8 years of getting dumped on by the kenyan people want a candidate who counter punches. Hard.
He is perhaps right....I think Trump is certainly the favorite now....but it wouldn’t take something cataclysmic to change it. There are factors at play right now that could indeed change it over a period of weeks.
Trump also carries the handicap of extra high expectations....which for him is good news because you can find a bit of inevitability in his winning....but if something happens that causes that inevitability to be shaken, a front runner can tumble fast.
Not saying it would happen, just that it wouldn’t take a black swan event of major proportions to change the trajectory of this campaign.
Hopefully Carson will drop out so0n, making this a Trump/Cruz race.
He appears right. My biggest disappointment the past two presidential cycles was the failure of our candidates to fight. I’m bloody sick of nominating “gentlemen” who will not call a lying son-of-a-bitch what he is. They don’t have to use those words but the sure as hell have to use the sentiment. I want none of this “he’s a good man but in over his head” and similar nonsense.
The fat lady sings for President Trump.
Well this guy is awake at least. Its almost showtime and Trump is the runaway leader of almost every poll. The only people who don’t believe the polls are the ones that are losing in the polls.
Pardon me if I do not take the word of a failed campaign manager on who is going to win... He may be right, but there is a long way to go before this is decided. On the bright side, if he is right I get to sleep in on Election day.
Loud and Proud.
” . . . “In the end, people have decided to go with loud. So we’ve got to get used to this new reality,” Bennett said in a reference to Trump. “
I think so too.
Four years ago, Herman Cain ran an ad with his campaign manager saying “I endorse Herman Cain for President.” This election year’s answer to Herman Cain can’t even manage to get his own staff to vouch for him.