On zombies: Remember to double tap, to be sure.
Hubba Hubba and Va va va voom!
Whatever happened to the “Allahu Akbar!” report? Is that still a thing, or has it been debunked?
Looks strung out.
Sound familiar? : http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3376079/posts
[Vegas Strip Crash Driver Appears Zombie-Like in Court]
OK, guess she’s ready for Hillary.
Will this piece of refuse ever be prosecuted, or will it be excused on account of black privilege, or because it had to sleep in its car?
I saw one TV news report that literally called her a “hero”
Supposedly “escaped” a bad childhood of poor parents, poverty, drugs.
the MSM is completely deranged.
Does her name mean “Climate Change” in Swahili?
Zombie? That’s what Islam does to people. Or maybe the false flag PsyOps programming team from a 3-letter gubmint agency.
This mutt is going away for a long time. Nevada reacts harshly to tourists being murdered. It’s going to be bologna sandwiches and red kool-aid for many years to come.
She looks to be a character who might be in Seinfeld’s ‘Big Hands episode’. Perhaps this caused the reason for her dysfunction?
They showed footage of her coming into court today, she didnt appear like a zombie to me, she seemed pretty confident and happy with what she did..she is probably upset she didn’t kill more people. Look at her past, will probably found out she was a member of the Black Fecal Lives Matter movement
I’m surprised she still has her hair weave pieces while in custody. Somebody’s focused effort to provoke the near mad into acting out their latent fantasies of dystopia + Garden Variety Islam, but who? This kind of brainwashing can easily be done via computer these days. The willing recipient need never meet their Death Coach and benefactor. Something is happening online, is my feeling.
Her lawyer sez: I went to law school, passed the bar exam, and all I got was this lousy client.
Always be very, very careful when people with made up names are around. . .
She reminds me of the Duke Lacross team rape accuser. Analysis found semen from four different men on her underwear, none of which men played lacrosse for Duke.
Building a stairway to heaven one irrational effort at a time.
Well I, for one, am waiting for the outcry demanding car confiscation.
Meth wore off.