To: RummyChick
This mutt is going away for a long time. Nevada reacts harshly to tourists being murdered. It’s going to be bologna sandwiches and red kool-aid for many years to come.
14 posted on
12/23/2015 12:52:08 PM PST by
(Get out of my country now)
To: dainbramaged
This mutt is going away for a long time. Nevada reacts harshly to tourists being murdered. It's going to be bologna sandwiches and red kool-aid for many years to come. Perhaps she will blow up to 340 pounds like OJ and need a cane to get around.
23 posted on
12/23/2015 1:09:20 PM PST by
To: dainbramaged
“Its going to be bologna sandwiches and red kool-aid for many years to come.”
So, life as normal...
27 posted on
12/23/2015 1:13:35 PM PST by
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