Posted on 12/06/2015 4:11:10 PM PST by PROCON
U.S. investigators are increasingly convinced the California shooters planned multiple attacks, given their stockpile of weapons, and are looking at whether the Pakistani woman involved radicalized her American husband, officials said on Sunday.
Investigators believe the weapons cache collected by Tashfeen Malik, 29, and her husband, Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, points to more attacks but they do not have evidence on other possible targets, a senior U.S. government source told Reuters.
The couple stormed a gathering of his work colleagues in San Bernardino, California, on Wednesday, opening fire with assault-style rifles and killing 14 people. The pair were killed a few hours later in a shootout with police.
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Um, I'm going to go out on a limb and say their targets were......more Americans?
Just a guess...
Yeah, probably another holiday party.
They may not have had Whiskey in the bottle, but they had bullets in the gun ...
Somebody tell that gal at the New York Daily News who blamed on of the County workers for provoking the Muslim shooters to attack a Christmas office Party.
Maybe the feds should search their apartment for clues.
Oh Wait...
Good job, police!!!
Oh she did NOT radicalize him, it was mutual admiration for Jihad
How the two became radical? Who really cares? ISIS is working overtime!
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what? More workplaces to commit violence on? How many jobs did he have? /s
No kidding. They were Muslims. By human standards that makes them mad dog radical the moment the tumble out of their slave mothers.
This might be a first. The first time in history a fundamentalist Islamic wife told the fundamentalist Islamic husband what to do.
Seriously? This is the best they can do? Most ridiculous suggestion I have heard in a long time. He worked with the people he killed - that’s on him. There is NOTHING my wife could say that would make me commit mass murder, murder my co-workers, and attack my country. Nothing.
This latest spin fails the sniff test - why are they attempting to defend this guy? He did it. She did it, but she was bound to do whatever her husband told her. Up is down and down is up.
Maybe if they had dusted for fingerprints they would have some people they could question.
She wore a Burka and whined about his inability to provide her with pipe bomb material. That along with the headaches every night pushed him to consider the 72 virgins.
Was there a third shooter? Curious if any survivors will say that there was.
Maybe they accelerated their schedule for some reason.
No mention of the search for those reportedly seen at their apartment and garage at late hours == with packages?
It’s more than Bonnie and Clyde and the “investigators” freed the shooters’ apartment within a day or two?
Funny how the government is always covering for a segment of the population that has a provem track record attacking, killing, and terrorizing Americans but yet never stands up and speaks for Americans that never attack Muslim. Says alot about the current administration in charge.
Don’t worry, in about 30 minutes, 0bama is going to reassure Americans that there’s NOTHING to fear.
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