Posted on 12/04/2015 7:59:06 PM PST by LSUfan
Once again we have been confronted with an outrageous statement from an official of CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood front group that has been implicated in terrorist activity.
Hussam Ayloush, the head of CAIRâs Los Angeles chapter, blamed US foreign policy for terrorism and âextremismâ in the wake of the horrific San Bernardino Jihad attack that killed 14 innocent civilians and wounded 21 more.
If US foreign policy is responsible for âextremismâ and terrorism, we have a few questions for Mr. Ayloush. We wonât hold our breath waiting for him to provide answersâ¦
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Yup. And every muslim imperialist war of expansion since 622 AD. American policy was responsible for the crusades. Uh huh.
I blame Sharia and Jihad and the imams who push same, like CAIR.
Islam and its followers and enablers are the guilty parties.
I have a more basic question.
If US foreign policy is responsible for “Extremism and terrorism”, then wouldn’t it be prudent to cease all migration of Muslims to the United States for the safety of Americans and Muslims alike?
We can reconsider immigration after US or “Extremism and terrorism” foreign policy changes.
Let’s pronounce CAIR as CA-IR, not care. Hate they are always twisting our good words and making them bad.
First act Trump does as POTUS is directing the FBI kicking down CAIR’s front door. *fingers crossed*
Well, if you don;t like this country you can always leave it for the paradise that is any other Muslim country in the world, they got 57 choices.
Sean Hannity pointed out on the radio today that the spokesman for CAIR about this event, was the translator for the Blind Sheik ('93 World Trade Center bombings...)
Mr. Trump. Please Remove these Ka-eer persons off American soil forever.
One FR poster this morning summed it up:
In countries where Muslims are the minority they are obsessed with minority rights. Then they are in the majority, there are no minority rights.
Hussam Ayloush should be in Gitmo,
Why not? We are racist, homophones and Islamophobes all rolled into one!
Not to mention haters!
I love white people but really sometimes whites are dumb as rocks...Can someone help me get rid of my white privilege?
CAIR the American arm of the death cult of wahabist islam
What Aylouse needs to see is the muzzle of a .45 with “infidel” eyes blazing behind it, & hear the words,
“Muslim, your religion requires you to dominate or kill me. Let’s get busy.”
if islam is peace why blame US foreign policy cause that means islam isn’t peace...oh well te lamemedia will never ask CAIR that
Yes, Lord, please have mercy!
Thanks for using the Ke-eer pronunciation. It has the awful effect on me as hearing their calls to prayer and subjugation.
these muz , their day is coming.
The CA-IR spokesman last night, actually yanked back the brother of the shooter last night, when he started speaking off script.
It would not surprise me if he not only is a translator, but a mouthpiece and plotter for the jihadist movement for conquest for this county, all the while pretending he just wants us to live up to our constitution and bill of rights for all citizen, especially, his brethren who have antithetical values to us and are anti-american.
Thanks for this bit of background. Have a Blessed and Peaceful Christmas, grey-whiskers.
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