1 posted on
11/24/2015 12:18:57 PM PST by
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To: Biggirl
American ideals aren’t just to let everyone in.
2 posted on
11/24/2015 12:22:04 PM PST by
To: Biggirl
Since when does Obama dictate what my ideals should be?
3 posted on
11/24/2015 12:22:22 PM PST by
To: Biggirl
We uphold our ideals, by resisting your ideals. FUBO
4 posted on
11/24/2015 12:22:27 PM PST by
("Telling the government to lower trade barriers to zero...is government interference" central_va)
To: Biggirl
Frickinz’ subversive liar trying to inflict guilt on churches and Americans to allow entry to those who either don’t care if we live or die or those who want to kill us outright.
The Obamanation of desolation.
This Islamist occupier needs to be thrown in a military prison....Gitmo would suit him just fine.
To: Biggirl
I’m not sure “stupid is as stupid does” really counts as an ideal.
6 posted on
11/24/2015 12:25:24 PM PST by
To: Biggirl
Yo obama... According to you our ideals are hate and racism . We have never been a Christian nation and we are no better than anyone else.
7 posted on
11/24/2015 12:25:33 PM PST by
To: Biggirl
Yes, our Judeo-Christian values and beliefs of which Islam is diametrically opposed. In fact, the Koran commands its followers to terrorize, invade and conquer all non-Islamic nations and convert or kill all infidels (Christians, Jews, etc).
Obama is a traitor.
8 posted on
11/24/2015 12:26:48 PM PST by
Jim Robinson
(Resistance to tyrants is obedience to to God!)
To: Biggirl
He’s very big on ‘ideals’ when it comes to helping out his moslem buddies; let Christians be attacked, suffer, and die, and he couldn’t care less.
To: Biggirl
There is no “our” in it. The majority of us want sanity to return and to stop the flow of refugees over here. We can support 11X more refugees over there closer to home where they will be able to return to their country when the conflict is over.
10 posted on
11/24/2015 12:29:33 PM PST by
The Ghost of FReepers Past
(Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light..... Isaiah 5:20)
To: Biggirl
If they can get here on their own (like my grandparents) then we will vet them.
11 posted on
11/24/2015 12:31:12 PM PST by
(JOSHUA 24:15 ...choose you this day whom ye will serve...)
To: Biggirl
Obama Lectures On Refugees: "We Must Uphold Our Ideals Now"What a hypocrite. Be a good muslim Barry and put a burqa on your wife. Then lecture us on "Upholding our Ideals".
12 posted on
11/24/2015 12:31:48 PM PST by
(Bernie Sanders. Because free stuff won't give itself away.)
To: Biggirl
Your ideals ain’t my ideals BHO.
13 posted on
11/24/2015 12:33:30 PM PST by
(You can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him. � Robert Heinlein)
To: Biggirl
I don't believe a single word that comes out of BO’s mouth. When he talks about values and ideals, I want to puke. How dare this clown lecture God fearing people. I'd trust a mouse to guard the cheese more than Obama in a leadership role.
To: Biggirl
Biggirl :" Obama Lectures On Refugees: "We Must Uphold Our Ideals Now"
You don't need more than seven rounds to protect your wife , your children , or your home - signed Gov. Cuomo of New York State
To: Biggirl
Mecca has enough accommodations for all of them peace loving muslims.
16 posted on
11/24/2015 12:37:03 PM PST by
(The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next)
To: Biggirl
Fifty-some Islamic countries out there they could go to, and the Syrians have to be transported across the globe to come to a country where they don’t even speak the language. Why?
To: Biggirl
"You only need two blasts of a shotgun , off the back porch : Vice-President Biden.
To: Biggirl
I hope Obam keeps talking. Next attack is all on him.
19 posted on
11/24/2015 12:40:49 PM PST by
To: Biggirl
Ideals have nothing do with this.
What do these people bring with them than the Republic or its Citizens need?
The answer, of course, is nothing. We have no frontiers to population. Our industries are not in need of semi- or un-skilled labor. They have no special skills. Their ‘culture’ is anathema to freedom and liberty. They represent only a threat to national security and a burden to the taxpayer.
Keep them out. Let them fix their homeland, or die trying.
20 posted on
11/24/2015 12:43:45 PM PST by
Little Ray
(How did I end up in this hand basket, and why is it getting so hot?)
To: Biggirl
Dear Obama: The poem written by Emma Lazarus found on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty is NOT the Constitution, it's not a law written by Congress and it's not part of the Bill of Rights. It's a damn POEM. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses YEARNING TO BREATH FREE" is a POEM written to raise money to pay for the pedestal the statue sits on... It has NOTHING to do with accepting people into our country who have NO DESIRE to be free and who might kill us. We have incompatible cultures...
Muslim countries in the area needs to take Syrian refugees in... What does it tell us about "Muslim Culture" that they won't offer assistance to displaced Muslims a few hundred miles from them??
21 posted on
11/24/2015 12:46:04 PM PST by
(Bill Clinton needs to apologize for the rape of Juanita Broaddrick. Hillary needs to apologize too.)
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