Ideals have nothing do with this.
What do these people bring with them than the Republic or its Citizens need?
The answer, of course, is nothing. We have no frontiers to population. Our industries are not in need of semi- or un-skilled labor. They have no special skills. Their ‘culture’ is anathema to freedom and liberty. They represent only a threat to national security and a burden to the taxpayer.
Keep them out. Let them fix their homeland, or die trying.
Muslims have nothing we want or need in this country. The only thing they bring with them (other than almost universal votes for Democrats) is societal conflict, destruction, slavery, and the death of others not like them and liberty and freedom. That may seem like a fine trade for the Democrat Party but it is not one for America.
Their history of the past 1400 years of bloody depredations and horrors bears solid and irrefutable witness to this.