This would be a pretty good survey except they left my personal favorite Rats ... Mooch, Fauxihontis, Slow Joe, Miss Lube Rack and Dirty Harry ... off the list.
I did this earlier from an email I received.
My results: Carson, Rubio, Cruz, Trump
Rand Paul -— 85%
But my vote will go to Trump or Cruz.
I filled one out the way that I thought Jim Robinson might and it came back saying that I supported this lunatic.
Just kidding, Jim.
And if you get any calls tomorrow from the DNC, please ignore them.
Who is Miss Luberack? Sounds nasty.
93% Cruz and Rubio. I was surprised with Rubio.
I'm a Trump/Cruz supporter. So that part is okay.
However, I have issues with Blinkin-Ben as a moonbat (pyramids) and Rubio is a lying snake.
If there were a question about IQ, Bush would be around 10%.
How about that? 90% for Ted Cruz, my candidate.
94% Ted Cruz
Carson 93
Cruz 91
Rubio 91
Trump 90
Carson/Cruz/Paul with only about a 6% spread.
No doubt it is Cruz in the primary for me
Ben Carson /
Ted Cruz/
Donald Trump.
Order Cruz, Rubio, Santorum, Carson , Trump. All from 92 to 89. But Trump #1, Cruz #2, Santorum #3. Rubio and Carson problematic for different reasons.
That was an excellent and detailed survey. I match 95% with Cruz, they say, which is convenient since I hope to vote for him.
I received a 98% for Trump and I still do not like him or trust him . . . but I only agreed with 76% of Free Republic respondees. Does this mean that I am much further to the right than this web site, or that many on this site are actually moderates?
If they want to dig up Richard Nixon, prop him up and put dark shades on him ala’ “Weekend at Bernie’s” he’d still be a better President than any DemonRat.
For most of us, it’s Cruz/Trump/Paul/Carson/Rubio, in some statistically insignificant order from 95%-85%, depending on how one answers levels of importance.
It’s a shame these guys, except for Cruz and maybe Carson, feel the need to attack each other personally. Each time, they hinder conservatism.
Carson 97%
Trump 95%
Rubio 94%
Cruz 93%
Wish more people could take this. I think it would separate the cartoonish characters from the true people & their positions.
LOLOL...mine was TRUMP!!!
Yikes! I can’t believe it, I came out 87% Santorum.
Mid 80s for Rubio, Carson, Fiorina and Cruz.
I could vote for any of those four. Hell, I’ll even vote for Trump.
Wow. You all just participated in a push poll.