If President Ovomit had his eye on the ball, none of this would be happening at the pace it is happening.
If they coordinated this attack with the Russians, then those missiles already were in IS hands or close
I don’t think Bibi consulted with anybody outside his military.
Vlad won’t be happy.
Bambi will be silent.
(unless we get a J elfin Kerry comment “not helpful”.....)
You would think Syria would be the last country that would want to tangle with Israel these days.
I cannot imagine that the IDF would be able to get into their airspace without being “ignored” by the Russians.
That makes me think Assads folks called their counterparts and told them where they were, and that they would not be needing them anytime soon.
Syria screams that it was a baby formula factory ....
Between Russia, the US and Israel, plus Syria, Iran, the Kurds and ISIS, the country is turning to rubble. I suppose with Russia in and the US ambivalent on the topic that Assad will stand and regime change is off the table. But Israel will of course want to assert its right to self defense. Syria is still technically at war with Israel, and Iran is too. Both are supporting terror groups so making sure large caches of weapons don’t go to Hezbullah is a high priority. May help Russia and US too. But man, what a free for all. It is a mad house, so Israel may as well aggressively advance its defensive/counter-offensive posture.
This was a bold statement by Israel to both Russia and the US. This is Bibi speaking in no uncertain terms.