Posted on 10/17/2015 12:28:22 PM PDT by george76
Israeli Ambassador: (Despite Obamas Requests) Israel Will Not Turn Over Christian Holy Sites to Radical Islam [ Full title ].
In May 2011 Barack Obama urged Israel to hand over half of Jerusalem, the Wailing Wall, The Temple Mount, Old Jerusalem, and the tomb of Jesus Christ to the Hamas-Fatah terrorist organizations.
In December 2013, Barack Obama again urged Israel to hand over ancient Christian and Jewish holy sites to Islamist terrorists.
On Friday Palestinian terrorists set fire to Josephs Tomb a Jewish holy site.
Israeli Ambassador to the US, Ron Dermer ... warned America what would happen if Israel goes along with Obamas insane plan:
Israel is the only protector of the sacred sites. You know what would happen if Israel were not there in Jerusalem? Do you know what would happen to the Old City? To the Church of the Holy Sepulchre? ... You know what would happen? Exactly what the Taliban did in Afghanistan, exactly what ISIS is doing in Iraq and Syria.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Of course he does. That's the point.
The Israeli’s have leadership they can be most proud of, how great it would be if we could say the same.
I’d sure hate to be BHO and have to face God and explain his reasoning for this. God says He will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse her. He also says to not touch the “apple of His eye.” (meaning Israel). I wish we could get rid of this POS now and let him go on his merry way to building his bogus library and spend the rest of his miserable life on the golf course.
First I have heard of Obama’s involvement in the desecration of holy Christian sites by asking them to be handed over to the terrorists or their sponsors. One more nail in the coffin towards his being Muslim not Christian which we know he’s not, of course...
“Israel is the only protector of the sacred sites. You know what would happen if Israel were not there in Jerusalem? Do you know what would happen to the Old City? To the Church of the Holy Sepulchre? ... You know what would happen? Exactly what the Taliban did in Afghanistan, exactly what ISIS is doing in Iraq and Syria.”
That is exactly why he want them to turn it over to the muslims. He is one , he knows what they would do to these things .
I’m just puzzled - what other country have we ever told, in our entire history, that they should turn over half of their capital city to another? And not even another nation, but a quasi-kinda-nation-state-terrorist-organization-etc.
And worse, to do it to an ally; it’s not like some third rate nation we hardly have relations with, but one which we’ve tightly integrated military forces with.
What a great question to pop on Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton - ‘Do you think that Israel should turn over at least half of their capital city - notably the old city and religious sites - to those who style themselves as Palestinians?’
“..That is exactly why he want them to turn it over to the muslims.”
A mind made very sick by hatred. And the world is paying for it.
I gotta think Vegas has odds on when BathHouse Barry will officially come out of his 2 closets - the homo closet and the satanic death cult closet.
(paraphrasing) "There are only three mosques to which you should embark on a journey: the sacred mosque (Mecca, Saudi Arabia), this mosque of mine (Madinah, Saudi Arabia), and the mosque of Al-Aqsa (Jerusalem)."
The political winds have turned ugly and 0bama has sided with islam just like he said he would.
I could see him saying something like that .
Jerusalem is never mentioned in the koran though .
The only reason they want it is because they know Jerusalem belongs to the Jewish people .
They are nuts if they turn over one square inch to those Godless Muslims.
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