Posted on 09/18/2015 1:54:44 AM PDT by RaceBannon
I initially defended the kid until Dear Leader quickly stuck his fugly face in to the issue.
That sent up my red flags, since he’s wrong on 100% of the issues.
Now people should find every article about a celebrity supporting this kid and add a comment about how that celebrity fell for the hoax.
zuckerburg or whatever the heck his name is invited him to the company.
gonna see the president.
why dont we hand over the codes to the warheads to the muslims.
if Trump or Cruz doesn’t win, then yes, I will support any actions by a leader of those who are still real Americans.
Hey obama, if one of your minions is reading this...GO TO HELL.
I posted to another thread... So where is the concerns for millions of innocent American CITIZENS who travel to do business everyday? The enemy Seeks to kill us financially. We are aiding them in doing this!
I got the complete pat down, feel up and swabbed for explosive residue by belligerent Obama TSA idiots coming through Chicago OHare today. I am a white 62 y o woman in a three piece clothing, undershirt was sleeveless and had to remove my over shirt which they call a jacket, my shoes and watch, but I did not remove my cross pendant. Highlight on their surround you with radiation machine was my chest, my crotch, my back. The dreadlock female gorilla felt up under my breasts, my abdomen, up my legs to my crotch in public, then I had to turn around for her to feel up the back of my body. In the background one idiot TSA was condescendingly and in a threatened manor warning everyone they needed to strip off most all loose garments. He very clearly said if you were hiding cash in your clothing you better fess up. My take is thanks to GW Bush we are subjected to this hell when we travel. I envision the next level we will be forced to strip naked, as the Nazis did to the Jews before they slaughtered them and divided the spoils they were stripped of.
Funny, I always seem to get this crap when I fly United. My flight to Chicago was via American and I breezed through with TSA pre check.
This is a picture of a real suitcase bomb. I don't think there was an innocent reason for the kid's design. It was purposeful and that purpose is evident today as the family has met with their lawyer.
The device looks more like a detonator than an actual bomb. Do not expect correct information from the current administration.
When I saw a picture of a Rea suitcase bomb, I knew it was a setup. It was meant to dull our senses to real danger and cause maximum damage sometime later. It wont surprise me if a thousand suitcase bombs are detonated at some later point for maximum casualties.
Same here. But after seeing a photo of the actual "clock" had a different impression. Digital clocks are common and trivial; have been around since the 1970s. That one is packaged like a bomb.
A mechanical clock would be more interesting, especially if hand made from scratch.
This episode stinks; was it a set up to fool (and mold) the low information crowd? POTUS was involved pretty quickly!
I am still waiting for the American Mumbai incident, either a true copycat or in a mall
It has been my fear since 9/11, I wont say online what I would see as horrible in detail, but Mumbai was a big part of my fear
Appears to me that the only “clock” in this story is the clock that the Muslims are going to clean. - The photo shown here doesn’t look anything like any clock I’ve ever seen. Fishy. - Obama was on this kid’s story like stink on s*it. Odd.
If a thousand of these things were set off simultaneously in the various busy malls across America, we could be looking at 50,000 casualties or worse.
I’m also expecting a Beslan or two across America.
Excellent find!
We can be certain the Muslim in chief knew all along.
How would you know? A pound of plastic explosive could easily be pressed into a flat sheet on the bottom of the case and covered with some fabric to look just as it appears in the picture.
If I were the government, I'd be looking at the alarm function and programmability and whether there were screw terminals installed at the alarm output intending connection to something else.
With today's electronics miniaturization and vast simplification of display drivers and the basic clock/time derivation functions, this “hobby project” is grossly mismatched. It is an exercise in design, layout, wiring harness expertise. In other words this is a precursor bomb that is intended for training, and for dry run or just Islamophobia provocation.
I firmly believe that Obama is a Muslim and has vast sympathy for its followers, but I think that Obama hates this country much more and has been doing anything and everything to further along its destruction.
His raison d’etre is to remove the word “Superpower” from the international lexicon and to make this country just like all the other third and fourth world sh!tholes in this world.
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