Posted on 09/11/2015 12:57:39 AM PDT by Jim Robinson
Click to see the actual Free Republic latest posts page if you logged in at about 8:45 (pacific) on 9/11/2001:
Very interesting to peruse. Nevertheless, even today I can not get myself to watch any aspect that involves the destruction of the WTC. It’s just much too painful.
I was “here.”
That was a time when the following graphic actually meant something. Nowadays our government doesn't care about a damn thing!
“Where were YOU on September 11th, 2001?”
I was on my job on the 5th floor of the Social Security Building in downtown Baltimore. I had just started on some paperwork when I overheard some co-workers talking about a plane crashing, at first I didn’t think it was much more than a plane crashing on land somewhere, but I got curious and turned on my radio and found out what they were really talking about and started to panic as I was in a federal building, which seemed at the time to be a target for some crazy nutters. I was still in disbelief and shock when I was hearing about the first plane going into the first building of the World Trade Center and then another into the Pentagon. I filled out a leave slip so fast and slapped it on my managers desk before she even got into work. I was so scared I didn’t know what was happening.
I know exactly the building. The iconic “bridge” building over Rte 40. Been driving right under there a few times last month going to Hopkins.
Here’s another one— check out the time on this one!
To: Republicus2001
It takes a lot of cash to smash two jets, don’t you think? Can you say Osama bin-Laden?
89 posted on 9/11/2001, 8:08:58 AM by HalfIrish
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It gives me chills to read these threads, as the events unfolded that morning. The posts are raw and real and also heartbreaking. It is something I feel I must do every September 11. I will never forget.
“Where were YOU on September 11th, 2001?”
On my way to Kindergarten. I do remember that day, however. One of my earliest memories.
Well the sob got two in the head from O’Neill but it was later rather than sooner.
Where was I?
Running sick call at the AIT Troop Medical Clinic at Fort Huachuca. Bunch of young Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen learning the craft of Military Intel and future drone pilots.
We were busy as hell, as usual. Open every morning at 0500. Saw a patient every 6 minutes.
I called my next patient and I heard my civilian desk clerk say a plane flew into the World Trade Center. Remember thinking what the hell? Thought maybe it was a private plane that got lost some fog.
Wasn’t aware of how much time passed and I heard her say another plane flew into the WTC. I walked over and in a command voice demanded to know
“WTF is going on.” They were all shocked because I never talk like that.
She pointed at her monitor and I saw some pictures and headlines.
Went back into my office and opened FR and scanned a few comments. Started shaking.
Called my team together and told them to call their families, instruct them not to leave the post and get back to work taking care of the troops. I called home and Mrs Gamecock answered the phone, asked her if she had the TV on. She said no, told her to turn it on. She asked what channel, told her it probably didn’t matter. I waited a second and she gasped. I told her under no circumstance was she to leave post, which for us meant the kids weren’t going to school that day, or as it turned out for a few days after that.
My buddy/neighbor was in Egypt for Bright Star and my wife ran next door to hug and pray with his wife.
Couple of the MI Drill Sergeants popped into my office during the morning to check on us. One of them said “I $h^t you not Sir, Bin Laden did this.” I learned early in my tour there to take these guys seriously, so I totally believed them..
Every time I finished seeing a patient I hit refresh on FR and Drudge, just taking a few seconds to see what was happening.
We finished sick call and I went to our quarters. Mrs. Gamecock asked what was happening and I told her “Baby, we are at war.” We sat glued in front of the TV til about midnight and I went to bed numb.
The next morning I headed down the mountain just a few minutes late, at 0500 the radio station played “God Bless The USA.” I pulled over and cried like a baby.
Post was locked down tight. Cooks couldn’t get to work, the troops ate MREs that day, IIRC.
Sick call was eerily quite that day. We all sat glued to our computers looking for any bit of news. About 1000 Mrs Gamecock called and asked what we were doing for lunch. I told her I had no idea as everything was closed. She then asked how many of my team were working that day and I told her 12. She told me to tell them to stand fast at noon. Sure enough she brought hot meals for 12 to the clinic.
From that day forward we felt a new sense of urgency, getting these kids medically ready to go do what they would soon be doing.
For the rest on my time there the best place in the world to hear what was going on was the sauna at the MI gym. The Drills would openly talk about what was happening, as long as they knew who was in there and trusted you.
VERY interesting!
That video brings it all back for me. Gives me nausea and chills to see it and it always will.
I found out something today. An acquaintance, our kids are friends, posted her letterhead from her job on the 36th floor of tower 2. She never talked about it but apparently she was not at work due to a doctor’s appointment that morning. I have known her for three years but never knew that story.
Excellent. I remember that I heard bin Laden first HERE before I heard it on the news.
algore mightt have blamed the islamicist’s evil psychotic rage on global warming.
You’re right.
Good link with more images and info on the situation as it occurred.
Warning: not too graphic but still heart-tugging. You are warned
I was 13 Years old in 8th Grade. This we before the ear of Ubiquitous Cell Phones and Media so we were kept in the Dark until bout 10:50 CST when I arrived in History Class, which had a TV, Just in time watch the Towers Begin to Fall.
I literally couldn't believe it.
‘algore mightt have blamed the islamicists evil psychotic rage on global warming.”
The current a-w POtuS does...
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