This is why the commie ‘RATS will never get our guns. They can make all the laws they want. Laws mean absolutely nothing these days in this country. Obeying laws has become voluntary.
This is probably the biggest real change I can think of in the past 25 years. We are clearly a two-tier society, and the laws exist only to keep the lower tier in its place. There are no laws for the upper tier.
Might be time to take the just us department out of the hands of the President and make it part of the judiciary.
Thanks for posting this!
It's not about personal destruction, it's about the rule of law and protecting the security of United States government secrets.
lt's about doing the right thing.
Throw them all in federal prison. This is a conspiracy like none before.
This is great, thanks for posting. In clicking on the link and viewing the sidebar I am even more saddened because I never thought I would live in a country that said “please stop feeding the homeless”.
And I thought it was bad with Jamie Gorelick and Jon Corzine, both who should be buiding railroads in the mid west in some chain gang.
I would think the likes of Martha Stewart would be up in arms about the hypocrisy. What she allegedly did was childs play compared to so many others.
If I was Amb. Stevens I’d be haunting Hillary every night.
"There are only two options available here: Either the country returns to a form of government bound by the strictures of the Constitution and its subordinate laws or we give up the ghost and accept the fact that our politics are now entirely about power rather than principle that we live in a nation where the president, whether his name is Obama or Trump, is limited only by the boundaries of imagination."
A government that once operated with our consent has become an open despotism .
Elections have evolved; they serve to condone tyranny.
He's just a staff writer, but that was an excellent column.
Nothing is ever going to stick to the Beast.
See: Night of the Long Knives
I have a question:
‘If this administration does not do anything to shillary, can the next administration do something or is there a time limit on these acts?’
(If Trump/Cruz or Attorney General Gowdy is in office?) saying ‘if’....
It has been said many times, yet it needs to be repeated continuously, mantra-like: We can survive Obama, but we cannot survive the depraved fools who voted for his re-election. And the death of the rule-of-law leaves the stark reality that it can be restored only through mass blood-letting, on the order of the Civil War.
Lawless Post-Constitutional America bump for later...
It’s like the Clinton administration, or Carter, or Johnson, ...