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Life for James Holmes: Swift verdict from Aurora theater shooting jury
FOX31 Denver ^
| August 7, 2015
Posted on 08/07/2015 4:23:38 PM PDT by TomGuy
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To: Wilhelm Tell
Right on. Let him spend the rest of his life in obscurity and then an eternity in hell ... sounds good to me. ;-)
posted on
08/07/2015 5:06:36 PM PDT
(Out of my mind ... back in 5)
To: Steely Tom
Which is how many people?
posted on
08/07/2015 5:07:19 PM PDT
( "I pulled the lever on the machine, but the Clark Bar didn't COME OUT!!!")
To: ponygirl
If he’s Muslim there’s a possibility he’ll get pardoned by Resident Obama! I bet Obama has that on a back burner.
To: Randy Larsen
McVeigh withdrew his appeals. CO people have a leniency for criminals.
posted on
08/07/2015 5:12:00 PM PDT
Theodore R.
(Liberals keep winning; so the American people must now be all-liberal all the time.)
To: WildHighlander57
"So life in prison without possibility of parole doesnt mean what it says??"
There is no sentence, other than an already carried out execution, that cannot be changed by a sufficiently motivated higher authority.
posted on
08/07/2015 5:14:00 PM PDT
To: FredZarguna
Which is how many people? Only takes one to prove my point.
posted on
08/07/2015 5:16:49 PM PDT
Steely Tom
(Vote GOP: A Slower Handbasket)
To: Steely Tom
Prison suicide rate is 10.4 to 18 per 100,000 inmates depending on whose estimates you trust and what year you use. Suicide rate in the US population is 12.6 per 100,000. Most of the suicides are
not among lifers. That suggests the prisoners kill themselves at almost the ordinary rate, for the usual reasons, and has nothing to do with them serving life.
If you've ever actually talked to corrections people, they'll tell you that the lifers claim that they'd "prefer" the death penalty is typical of the con jobs they're constantly trying to pull.
posted on
08/07/2015 5:18:24 PM PDT
( "I pulled the lever on the machine, but the Clark Bar didn't COME OUT!!!")
To: Randy Larsen
McVeigh was sentenced in Federal court for killing Federal officials. He never stood state trial for the 160 counts of murder.
posted on
08/07/2015 5:21:29 PM PDT
To: FredZarguna
I believe Timothy McVeigh stated he would rather be executed than spend the rest of his life in prison.
He also tried to get his execution televised.
posted on
08/07/2015 5:22:34 PM PDT
To: FredZarguna
It’s a matter of opinion, as I said back in post #35 on this thread.
posted on
08/07/2015 5:23:16 PM PDT
Steely Tom
(Vote GOP: A Slower Handbasket)
To: Jack Hydrazine
Life is cheap, you kill and you get taken care of for life we have to pay for this scumbag when he should get exactly what he dished out. Bring back the colluseum. A fitting end to this miserable life would be a pack of hungry hyenas
To: DuncanWaring
In practice the death sentence is essentially LWOP.
posted on
08/07/2015 5:24:56 PM PDT
(Islam is a cancer on civilization.)
To: rikkir
This is an article about the
Supermax facility in Florence, CO, where I assume this theatre killer will be spending the rest of his days. Also check out the video at the bottom of the link. If this is truly what this facility is like, most would choose death.
To: TomGuy
Pathetic, in theory.
This scum is a MASS murderer, not just a guy who killed one in a rage or to rob incidentally.
Mass murderers deserve death.
Pity this is the first mass murderer in ages, besides the Snipers, who survived his crime and leaves fools to decide his dpfate.
I really prefer it when they kill themselves.
posted on
08/07/2015 5:29:06 PM PDT
the OlLine Rebel
(Common sense is an uncommon virtue./Federal-run medical care is as good as state-run DMVs.)
To: beethovenfan
Excellent observation.
And at is why libertarians think “death pen doesn’t work”, because they do not see it applied in a serious manner. 50 years until execution? Totally loses any bite.
In the old days, it was dead serious. No pusssy-footin’.
posted on
08/07/2015 5:31:03 PM PDT
the OlLine Rebel
(Common sense is an uncommon virtue./Federal-run medical care is as good as state-run DMVs.)
To: SamAdams76
They have pix of Helen Thomas and Hitlery all over the walls?
posted on
08/07/2015 5:32:43 PM PDT
the OlLine Rebel
(Common sense is an uncommon virtue./Federal-run medical care is as good as state-run DMVs.)
To: TomGuy
How long does the process take for him to actually arrive in the final prison? Days? weeks?
To: TomGuy
Life, huh?
Way too many dopers in Colorado. A normal state would have given him the death penalty.
posted on
08/07/2015 5:46:12 PM PDT
(With Great Freedom comes Great Responsibility)
To: TomGuy
Thank all the A-Hole invaders from California for ruining my beautiful, conservative, freedom loving state. I KNEW those jerks didn’t have the balls to do the right thing.
To: lee martell
Yep. it seems theater shootings are becoming the norm. And this light sentence is not going to help deter others from acting out in the same way.
posted on
08/07/2015 5:49:21 PM PDT
(With Great Freedom comes Great Responsibility)
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