Posted on 07/19/2015 6:08:32 PM PDT by Ray76
A Green Beret who was awarded the Silver Star, then saw it stripped away because he killed a Taliban bombmaker, is telling why he did it, as conveyed in a CIA job interview he conducted nearly four years ago.
Maj. Matt Golsteyn said the insurgent was a known maker of improvised explosive devices (IEDS) and was in the presence of such components. He considered him an armed combatant, so he shot him.
Army Secretary John McHugh, who revoked the award, told The Washington Times through a spokesman that Maj. Golsteyn assassinated an unarmed Afghan.
The soldiers words, and Mr. McHughs action, are now at the center of congressional talks.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Unarmed except for all the bombing materials.
Another obamsky WTF moment!
That is BS. Bottom line... One dead bomb maker. WTF is wrong with our military? Chute dem. Chute dem s lot!!!!
“Maj. Matt Golsteyn said the insurgent was a known maker of improvised explosive devices (IEDS) and was in the presence of such components. He considered him an armed combatant, so he shot him.”
Is there any part of the govt that has not gone insane?
Isn’t a Muzzie running the CIA?
We’ll never know how many lives he saved.
Good thing McHugh (pronounced: Magoo) wasn't Supreme Allied Commander during WWII.
"Hold on boys, don't drop your bombs on those German factories until they're done building the tanks and don't bomb those refineries until the soldiers are pumping gas into those tanks and airplanes."
Unarmed because he did not have a rifle? What do you call a grenade, or the parts to make one? Fireworks?
POS civilian appointees.
Things are gonna get worse.....
Somehow things have GOT to stop....
The dummy should have known that the cia is in the business of arming jihadis.
McHugh sounds like a total PU$$Y
You got that right.
assassinated an unarmed Afghan.
JFK was assassinated.
RFK was assassinated.
MLK was assassinated.
This bombmaking allah-snackbar dirtbag was ghosted.
Army Secretary McHugh is a disgrace to this country.
McHugh is the type of limp-wrist pansy that Obama wants in our military.
McHugh is the type of limp-wrist pansy that Obama wants in our military.
Political Correctness has infected all forms of life, the military is just a late comer.
Government Fudds and Pentagon chair polishers do their best to protect Obama’s pals while an American hero gets screwed.
Mchugh...saw combat where? in his kids backyard pool??
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