There is no such thing as a professional petition worker.
It would be helpful to know what the petition was for and where your neighborhood is.
If it’s to change the color of Milk Bones, I don’t really care, but if it’s for some referendum that will further reduce our liberties, that’s kind of a big deal. Also, if this was in Nevada or some other state, I also don’t care, but if it’s in my neighborhood of Sacramento County and they want to increase my water or sewer fees, I’d start looking for these petition workers and make sure they’re unable to sign anybody’s name, even their own.
When did third party registration begin? Motor Voter?
Elections are meaningless now. Foreigners and radicals decide our elections.
” A petition worker came by yesterday to ask for our signatures and knew everyone’s name in the household. “
I would enacted my own version of homeland security, and just somehow, in some unknown fashioned, the questioner would have ended up going over the railing of my porch, possibly slipping on all that bat guano, in his flip-flops.
I would actually smile at the clown if he tried that in this little TX town. He wouldn’t be required to bring his own shovel but a shovel will be quite necessary to complete the transaction.
I worked one of these in Portland Oregon years ago.
We were instructed is if any invalid signature shows up, the entire page is thrown out.
We were told to be upfront and to be nice at all times.
This sounds like more Obama Thugs
Voter rolls can be obtained from the county registrar of voters. In California, a sample number of signatures is verified by each county. The Secretary of State can also call for a 100% verification. Call your county Registrar and report this activity by the proponents.
It’s always risky to take someone’s word for anything, especially these days.
One company I worked at in the past surveyed their workers with some pretty strong questions regarding how they liked their job and management. We were PROMISED that our answers would be anonymous. It was a paper survey back then (from a separate company), but it came to each of us in a separately addressed envelope. I looked at the form carefully and found a small number on the back - which differed from others on my team. They were serialized and the information certainly COULD go straight back to my boss, under my name.
Since we were required to fill it out, I noted what a great boss and great company I worked for. LOL.