Can you say Recession?
Pray America is waking
No, no!
We were assured that everything was rosy and sunshine, full recovery, best economy in years, etc etc.
They wouldn’t lie to us, would they?
/ yes, I know they would. And then some.
Shrinking economy with the Obama communist piling on 18 trillion dollars of debt on us and still that's not enough money to get any production going in the USA
We are headed into a depression
I rather knew this to be the case.
When they do everything they can to fudge the numbers and still come up with a sub-1 growth rate,
you know it’s negative.
Can you say liberal recession?
The democrat version of trickle down where exactly did all that $18T in debt go? Get your shovel ready.
This is no recession. We are in a depression that will last 15-17 years. We aren’t halfway through it yet. Crunching massaged numbers to determine tenths of a point in growth differences is meaningless.
This depression was decades in the making and it will run it’s course. The FED/govt is acting like a man trying to turn a bull running through a pasture. You can make it lean one way or the other as it passes, but it will pass and there’s no stopping or turning it.
But, but I was reading in Macleans magazine (up here in Canuckistan) about Obama’s resurgence and economic recovery and Stephen Harper having the worst economic record for a prime minister since the end of World War II.
I believe the obama near recession was the big reason the gop
Took tbe house and why hillary will lose. As her pal carville says, it’s the economy stupid.
But only because of the abnormal global warming in the eastern US.