And I’m right about never ever voting for him.
Can’t wait to see Jeb’s GOP slogan..”VOTE FOR ME CAUSE I’M RIGHT AND YOU ARE WRONG!” Sign me up!
Sure, cheap labor that puts Americans out of work...if that was the recipe for American prosperiy, we’d already be there.
So then according to him it’s okay to rob banks ....
Okay Jeb,
If you’re SO right and most of the American CITIZENS are wrong...
You aren’t fit to lead this country. You want to be a king too.
Well, Jeb, you want to get elected without conservatives.
Good luck with that.
Bush is unteachable. He has gone native - for Latin America. If the choice is between him and Hillary, my choice is neither.
No Jeb,
These ILLEGAL aliens are NOTHING like immigrants of the past.
They do NOT come here for opportunity to make better lives for themselves and their families;
-They come to FREELOAD. ..oh, and to vote DEMOCRAT.
Get it?
More legal immigration good - amnesty for illegals bad. Bush is right about legal immigration but I sense he is firmly in the amnesty camp.
A feisty Jeb Bush gave a full-throated defense of his immigration stance in front of a Washington audience on Thursday, laying out the economic case that reforms he champions could return the nation to prosperity.
No it won’t. But it will mean more luxury for our corrupt Ruling Class, and others who make a fortune from Big Government.
What exactly is distinguishable between Jebby and Hillary... I mean, besides his height?
We are about to be swept up in a wave of automation that in the near to medium term could displace 30-40% of the workforce. The way I see it, half of the black population is unemployable right now. Imagine in 5 to 10 years, 70% of blacks and 25% of whites displaced from the workforce. What are we supposed to do with millions and millions of unskilled and often illiterate mexicans? Think Baltimore is bad? Just wait.
If you think John Boeehner and Mitch McConnell are great Republican leaders..., then vote for Jeb Bush.
Do not vote for Benedict Bush.
Clearly he’s been studying Obama..
You have to thank Jeb Bush for being honest with us about his ill-conceived immigration policy. He could have done an about-face on amnesty, pieced together some get-tough policy points and mouthed some words for a GOP primary election season that he thought conservative voters wanted to hear with little intent to follow through once elected. He may have even been late coming to the party to grasp the magnitude of the threat of illegal immigration. We went through that betrayal before with his brother, Gov. George W. running for President. I refuse to be fooled again in 2016 if the same scam is tried by any politician (including other governors with a W in their name).
good. i’ll be happy to stand with walker and sessions at the extreme opposite pole from bush and the GOPe.
bush and his ilk have been about as wrong about the effects of immigration, legal and illegal, on our society and culture as it is possible to get. this is because the “facts” and assumptions he (and they) base their arguments on are both false and leftist (emotion, not reason, driven).
Vote foe jeb and the eventual uniparty that will bring us the socialist workers utopia of the future.
Bush arrogant on immigration