Posted on 04/16/2015 5:51:29 AM PDT by Kaslin
There was very little if any surprise Sunday when Hillary Clinton threw her name into the race. Nearly as unsurprising was the medias fury in the days leading up to the announcement and the overwhelming attention her announcement has been given since.
However, what is a surprise is how professional and industrial the Hillary2016 campaign has come off from the beginning. A slick new campaign commercial that touches the majority of demographics of the voting electorate. A logo with a red arrow pointing to the right with some hoping this shows her movement to the center. Even a Twitter account that has gone from dormant to electric overnight with the perfect mix of professional accolades and humorous comments like "hair icon" in the profiles description. Yet, there is just one major problem: the candidate herself.
The good news is Hillary might just be what the GOP needs in order to be competitive for the executive office again after suffering losses the last two presidential elections. With the Republican Party being viewed less favorably than the Democrats according to the latest Pew Research poll (41% to 46%), something, or as it turns out someone, was going to have to be a common objective to be against for a successful campaign to be built on.
Luckily, the Democrats chosen frontrunner is a target with a plethora of mishaps to feast on. Foreign policy, lack of transparency in government roles, Travelgate and real estate investigations here at home are just a few with obvious disregard and lack of respect for the rules put in place by Congress as shown by her saying the now famous line of, "What difference does it make?"
Republicans should have enough fodder to keep them busy aiming their attacks against Hillary instead of each other. But will they show the political maturity this cycle that they have not shown in the past two election cycles? As it stands with the three already in the ring, I believe this could be achieved. However, we know the race has yet to be declared by all who are interested in pursuing the title of Leader of the Free World and we can only hope this environment of friendly tweets and positive interactions continue.
For the first time, the GOP and the Democrats are in a role reversal as it usually has been those on the left to promote their diversity of candidates. The ones to say their candidates are minorities, young, blue collar and more accurately represent the varied make up of main street America, and the GOP's response has traditionally been: here is a seasoned white male from a wealthy family. We could never combat their emotional daggers at the GOP because sadly they were true.
Times have changed as currently the field of GOP candidates is filled with candidates who are black, white, Hispanic, male and female. We have the highly educated by the classroom or highly educated by life and are successful either way. We have candidates from every region of the U.S. who haven't left their area for a more electable one.
On their side, they have one: A privileged Ivy League educated white female who wears shades when she is ordering lunch inside at a fast food place. A woman who gets more for giving one speech than most Americans make in a year yet tried to gain empathy for saying her family was broke when they left the White House. Most importantly, a woman who doesn't even have the respect for all Americans to be so inclusive that she announces her candidacy on a social networking platform rather than in a more open environment and does not plan on any major public rally's until May.
Therefore, it looks like the roles have changed and the GOP has an excellent opportunity to not only regain the White House but also show that respect and dialogue can still occur in politics. Most importantly, the GOP can show why we are the party of the future that will create unity by respecting and encouraging opportunities for all citizens.
The lying Leftists are already at work schilling for Hitlery. The gaystapo needs another gay president to furtherbtheor agenda...
The lying Leftists are already at work schilling for Hitlery. The gaystapo needs another gay president to further their agenda...
Well, the GOPe will still want to push Jeb Bush on to the proles or failing that Romney or maybe even Bob Dole, lol..
The key here is who she appeals to. If she overwhelmingly appeals far left to the die-hard Democrats, then the other voting blocs have some chance of interest. However, even if she only appeals far left, it will still be close by a sliver.
We aren’t in 2012, it’s likely Romney wouldn’t even stand a chance against Scott Walker, who could easily point Romney out as a coward compared to Walker, who honestly stuck through attempts to recall him and vote him out. Then Cruz, well, Cruz could ask Romney full well why he wasn’t for a religious freedom bill to push for a peaceful coexistence between different sides.
That’s why Dem strategy relies so heavily on bluffing the GOPe into nominating Jeb Bush.
“However, what is a surprise is how professional and industrial the Hillary2016 campaign has come off from the beginning. A slick new campaign commercial that touches the majority of demographics of the voting electorate. A logo with a red arrow pointing to the right with some hoping this shows her movement to the center. Even a Twitter account that has gone from dormant to electric overnight with the perfect mix of professional accolades and humorous comments like “hair icon” in the profiles description.”
This is hilarious!
The logo has invited universal ridicule and her twitter account was put together by a marketing firm, with most of the followers being fake accounts used simply to bump up her numbers. So basically, a slick campaign commercial is the only actual positive this writer could come up with!
The logo is terrible. A more appropriate one would be a parody of the “Hat in the Ring” fighter logo with a witch’s had substituted.
Herein lies the Real Issue.
Every Presidential election from 1948 to 2004 involved the two parties' candidates pursuing the title of Leader of the Free World.
In 2008 and 2012, however, only one candidate wanted that title; the other, the candidate who won both elections, was pursuing the title of Abdicator of Leadership of the Free World.
In 2016, the GOP candidate, if he (sorry, Carla) wants to win, will have to run on the platform of becoming the Regainer of Leadership of the Free World, in large part by demonstrating how Mr. HopeandChange purposefully threw that leadership away, and how MadameSecretary H-with-an-arrow intends to burn any bridges that would take us back to that leadership role.
In doing so, he will be accused of everything liberals consider to be Mortal Sins: racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia; he will be called Hater, Destroyer of Diversity, and Maligner of Islam. And he will have to not care, because the majority of Americans are looking for a candidate who will not care, a Gideon who with 300 can destroy an enemy of 30,000, or a David who will clean up after Saul, or a Jehu who will once and for all rid the nation of the Ahabs and Jezebels in power.
Too bad there are some who seem to think there are "potentially serious issues" with Cruz and Walker and who are still living in the "We'll be just as bad off with our guy/or Obama won't be any worse world. Some may consider Hillary to be our "salvation" only as another "punishment to wake the People up" as they take their daily OD of Ambien.
There are two or three dozen allegations of sexual assault and/or rape in Slick's background and the ONLY person who's beein with Slick LONG enough to have been in charge of the lid committee (which keeps the lid down on all that stuff) is Hillary.
Hillary Clinton is personally responsible for at least two or three dozen women being sexually assaulted and/or raped. She knew early on that in Slick she had a guy who was massively photogenic, a brilliant speaker with a photographic memory and clearly presidential material IF she could keep the lid down on the little problems, and there has been a lid committee in place from then to now comprised of Terry Lenzner and one or two other PI organizations whose task has been to bribe and/or intimidate all those women into silence. It invariably worked, up to the Juanita Broaddrick accusation, because in every particular case it was just one woman with no real resources up against some sort of a thing with the full resources of one of the states or the United States behind it. Moreover, for something like that to have been in place all that time there is only one person on the planet who could have been in charge of it, i.e. Hillary Clinton.
I mean, You can watch the H. Clinton story occasionally on Friday and Saturday nights on the Grade B movie channel. The most common version shows some old crazy woman living in a cabin out in the swamp in the Louisiana bayous with two grown sons; the grown sons go out and rape and pillage at night and then the poor old crazy woman has to try to cover for them. Substitute Slick for the two sons and that's basically the H. Clinton story.
....Candice E. Jackson, author of "Their Lives: The Women Targeted by the Clinton Machine," told Cybercast News Service that in addition to the "sexual abuse" she alleges was committed by Bill Clinton, "Hillary's involvement is just as devastating and just as important in all this....."
Except if it's hillary vs Jeb, the only way to avoid voting for evil will be to go third party.
That’s one of the funniest Posts I’ve seen! Love it!
I couldn’t get passed the fawning over Hil’s campaign “professionalism.”
I don’t think, in this case, an accusation of “professional” is a good thing.
The author (perhaps not realizing it?) presents “professional” as another way of saying “contrived”. Unspontaneous. Fake.
The Hillary campaign IS “professional”. If anything it’s way too professional, too locked down, to tightly staged and controlled. Quite possibly to mask issues with The Candidate.
If it goes on, Hillary’s going to come off as wooden as Pinnoccio. Without the benefit of the built-in lie detector.
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