“Knock off the mudslinging crap. There isn’t ONE Freeper who thought such a thing.
When we desperately needed a solid American patriot to take over the White House and do the hard work of turning this country around, the GOP-e gave us a milquetoast RINO, who bore a very strong resemblance to a liberal Democrat.
And there you sit, shocked and dismayed, that principled conservatives didn’t rush out and vote for that Democrat In All But Label Only.
Put the blame where it belongs - on the Republican establishment and their toady, Myth ‘Big Lib’ Romney, from Planet Kolob.”
Cherry is spot on here. The so-called conservatives saw what Obama did his first term, and what he promised to do his second term, yet it was more important for them to act like selfish, petulant, children, and stay home. This is not the act of Patriots...or conservatives for that matter.
And you folks can spare us your steaming pile of Bull $h*t about there being no difference between Obama and Romney. Romney was a RINO, but he wasn’t a Marxist. Romney didn’t hate our nation, he didn’t hate Israel, he didn’t hate the free market, he didn’t hate small businesses, he didn’t hate the military, he didn’t hate Christians and Jews. Obama...ditto to all the above! But I guess these folks need to try and soothe their consciences over their helping to a known Marxist win a second term.
Those who stayed home in 2012 have no right to bitch about anything Obama’s currently doing. They knew this Marxist would continue his destruction of our nation and way of life, and they chose to do NOTHING! Those who stayed home hold at least some responsibility for where we’re currently at.
Patriots my A$$!
Well said!
Thank you.
Run a conservative candidate; you’ll get conservative voters to the polls.
Sounds pretty straight forward to me.
You are wrong. Obama is a puppet-—Romney would have been a puppet—that is why he was “allowed” to be the candidate. He would have been totally controlled, just as Justice Roberts is totally controlled by the Marxist, mafia, muslim, sodomite cartel.
But as bad as Romney would have been-—and he might have been a little less obvious than obama because he was a white man and couldn’t get away with half the stuff a black man could get away with-—he would have destroyed all chances to take the house-—all blame would have been on the Republicans.
We have a possibility of a R for president because of all the hate for the POS in the white house. But it may be too late-—they have all their goons in places of control—they purged the army, and put their homofascists in place-—(all fascist takeovers were headed by homosexuals (Hari/Lively). Why? All the most brutal forces in history are homosexual ones because they have no moral compass whatsoever and don’t mind brutalizing children and women (Spartans (don’t believe Hollywood), Samurai, Nazi SS, Bolsheviks). Vice breeds vice.
Is America in trouble.....sure-—but we need the masses to erupt against the tyranny of our courts, and Congress and president-—and without the rage, we will not get the masses to turn off the basketball games or soap operas or 50 shades books.
BTW, I held my nose and voted for Romney but the puppet masters weren’t going to let him win-—they put their little harem boy in-—because they could get more accomplished because of his “race”. They would not have allowed their boy Romney to win last time anyhow. They count the votes.
Hear, hear! Not voting is a vote for the other side. Even writing in a vote should be done if your candidate isn’t there so that your voice is heard.
Mitt Romneys Dismal Record
"As U.S. real output grew 13 percent between 2002 and 2006, Massachusetts trailed at 9 percent.
* Manufacturing employment fell 7 percent nationwide those years, but sank 14 percent under Romney, placing Massachusetts 48th among the states.
* Between fall 2003 and autumn 2006, U.S. job growth averaged 5.4 percent, nearly three times Massachusetts' anemic 1.9 percent pace.
* While 8 million Americans over age 16 found work between 2002 and 2006, the number of employed Massachusetts residents actually declined by 8,500 during those years.
"Massachusetts was the only state to have failed to post any gain in its pool of employed residents," professors Sum and McLaughlin concluded.
In an April 2003 meeting with the Massachusetts congressional delegation in Washington, Romney failed to endorse President Bush's $726 billion tax-cut proposal."
[Cato Institute annual Fiscal Policy Report Card - America's Governors, 2004.]
Romney's "accomplishments".
1. Implemented/created Gay Marriage in MA
2. Supported and forced Gay Adoption in MA
3. Supported Abortion wholeheartedly
4. Raised taxes/fees over 300% while being Governor of MA
5. Implemented a state-level Cap and Trade system.
6. Supported Man-Made Global Warming
7. Supported the Brady Bill
8. Implemented a state level Assault Weapons Ban after the Federal AWB was allowed to expire.
9. Supported TARP
There's Mitt's record, in black and white. It's a record that would make any liberal Democrat blush with pride. Given the keys to the White House, he would have gone even further left. That's what the evidence shows.
You Romneybots need to wake up and face reality. The base WILL NOT SUPPORT RINOs. We're going to keep losing elections until the GOP-e allows a real conservative to capture the nomination. That is the way it is, and no amount of bellyaching on your part is going to change it.
You want a Republican in the White House - then get out there and work your tookis off to get a true conservative through the primary battle.