Muslims vs Muslims. Let’s stay out of it.
Thank you x 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
Both sides need much foreign aid, in the form of weaponry.
Let Allah sort ‘em.
Not only did Our Founders give us this great Constitution but I have read many of G. Washington speeches and he warned us to stay out of foreign affairs.
But we did not do that. Think about the beauty, up until now, of the geographics of where we are.
Isolation would have been ideal owing to the universal hostility of our less advanced neighbors. The idea then might be to send ambassadors out to these primitive areas to teach them but never to mix because the whole world could lose. Look at what is happening with our borders, with ISIS and related. We would have been safer. I know the exact opposite is happening quickened by OPUKE. I know this is not possible today but I dream of it. It would keep America safe. SHUT IT DOWN. Thank you
They need some bigger bombs.
Pray America is waking
Stay out of it? Well OK but can I root for it? The story says it was seweecide bumbers who did the damage which means both sides lost. It’s like they both have really bad cheer leaders: go team-—lose team lose-—yeay! Only 1.5 billion backward dumbasses to go. yeay 12th century-—back team back!
I have to go rest and root.
Frack, baby, frack.