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The ChiComs bought the first Clinton presidency.

Looks like the second is up for bid.

1 posted on 02/19/2015 6:12:40 AM PST by E. Pluribus Unum
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To: E. Pluribus Unum

“What difference does it make?” HILLARY CLINTON 1/23/2013

2 posted on 02/19/2015 6:15:58 AM PST by stars & stripes forever (Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.)
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To: E. Pluribus Unum
So scumbag Slick Willy has figured out how to continue to get even richer by shaking down other countries and promising them access to all the bennies of being a Clinton Foundation Platinum Club member.

Of course, none of these Platinum Club members (or the Clintons) would ever try to get rich by actually providing a real VALUE-PROPOSITION to those of us who actually have to do productive WORK for a living and then live off what's left after the government takes its cut.

Clinton foresees a wonderful, enlightened World Without Profits for all of us proles, who will be so much better off when our lives are run and our money is spent by our superiors at the Clinton Foundation Platinum Club.

* * * *

And for those who may have forgotten what kind of a President Bill Clinton was:

1) Clinton’s own words show his often expressed innate hostility to, and utter contempt for, the core principles of the American founding:

``If the personal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution inhibit the government’s ability to govern the people, we should look to limit those guarantees.’’ -- President Bill Clinton, August 12, 1993

``The purpose of government is to reign in the rights of the people’’ –- Bill Clinton during an interview on MTV in 1993

``We can’t be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans…that we forget about reality.’’ -- President Bill Clinton, quoted in USA Today, March 11, 1993, Page 2A, ``NRA change: `Omnipotent to powerful’’’ by Debbie Howlett

“When we got organized as a country and we wrote a fairly radical Constitution with a radical Bill of Rights, giving a radical amount of individual freedom to Americans, it was assumed that the Americans who had that freedom would use it responsibly… that they would work for the common good, as well as for the individual welfare… However, now there’s a lot of irresponsibility. And so a lot of people say there’s too much freedom. When personal freedom’s being abused, you have to move to limit it.” – Bill Clinton, April 19, 1995

2) Clinton inevitably pursued his own political advantage at the expense of American interests and national security. Here is just one of many possible examples:

It is well documented that Clinton and the Democrats took illegal campaign money from groups and individuals tied directly to the Chinese People’s Republican Army. It is therefore not surprising that In January 1998 Clinton went against the advice of then-Secretary of State Warren Christopher and Pentagon experts by lifting long-standing restrictions against the export of American satellites to China for launch on Chinese rockets. Not only did he move control over such decisions from the more security-focused State Department to the Commerce Department, but he intervened in a Justice Department investigation of Loral Space & Communications, retroactively enabling Loral to sell critical missile technology to the Chinese. Interestingly enough, Clinton’s decision was made at the request of Loral CEO Bernard Schwartz, whose earlier $1.3 million campaign donation made him the single biggest contributor to the Democratic election effort.

The result, as stated eloquently by syndicated columnist Linda Bowles, was that “the Democrats got money from satellite companies and from Chinese communists; China got supercomputors, advanced production equipment and missile technology; Loral got its satellites launched at bargain basement prices . . . and the transfer of sensitive missile technology gave China [for the first time] the capability of depositing bombs on American cities.” Incidentally, Loral ultimately failed to benefit from this permanent injury to America’s security interests: in July 2003, the company filed for bankruptcy protection, and in order to raise cash was forced to sell its most profitable business – a fleet of communications satellites orbiting over North America.

3) On two occasions, Clinton used military action for the specific purpose of distracting the American public from the fallout of the Lewinsky affair:

• On August 20, three days after Clinton finally admitted publicly to the Lewinsky affair, the news media was poised to focus on that day’s grand jury testimony by Monica Lewinsky. That same morning, Clinton personally went on national television to gravely announce his bombing of a Sudanese “chemical weapons factory,” and a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan. It was the first time most Americans ever heard the name of Osama bin Laden. The factory bombing in Sudan killed an innocent night watchman, but accomplished little else. It later was proven that the plant was making badly needed pharmaceuticals for people in that poverty-stricken part of the world, but no chemical weapons.

Several months later, the U.S. Center for Nonproliferation Studies, part of the Monterey Institute of International Studies, stated: "...the evidence indicates that the facility had no role whatsoever in chemical weapons development." Kroll Associates, one of the world's most reputable investigative firms, also confirmed that there was no link in any way between the plant and any terrorist organization. As for the Afghanistan bombing, it failed to do any damage at all to bin Laden or his organization. Clinton’s action was accurately characterized by George W. Bush when he said right after 9-11: "When I take action, I’m not going to fire a $2 million missile at a $10 empty tent and hit a camel in the butt.

Clinton’s pointless and murderous military actions did not make Americans safer that day, although they did destroy an innocent life, and for all the good they did certainly could have been delayed in any case. But they did succeed in diverting media attention from Lewinsky’s grand jury testimony for a 24-hour news cycle, which was the main point. So I guess, they weren’t a total loss.

•On December 16, 1998, on the eve of the scheduled House vote on his impeachment, Bill Clinton launched a surprise bombing attack on Baghdad. As justification for this exploit, he cited the urgent threat that Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction posed to America, and the need for immediate action. Almost immediately, the House Democrats held a caucus and emerged calling for a delay in the impeachment proceedings. House minority leader Dick Gephardt made a statement: "We obviously should pass a resolution by saying that we stand behind the troops. I would hope that we do not take up impeachment until the hostilities have completely ended."

Conveniently, a delay so near the end of the House term would have caused the vote to be taken up in the next session – when the newly elected House membership would be seated with more Democratic representation, thereby improving Clinton’s chances of dodging impeachment.

The Republicans did, in fact, agree to delay the hearings, but only for a day or two. Amazingly, Clinton ended the bombing raid after only 70 hours -- once it became clear that in spite of the brief delay, the vote would still be held in the current session.

Once the bombing stopped, Clinton touted the effectiveness and importance of the mission. As reported by ABC News : “We have inflicted significant damage on Saddam's weapons of mass destruction programs, on the command structures that direct and protect that capability, and on his military and security infrastructure,” he said. Defense secretary William Cohen echoed the point: “We estimate that Saddam's missile program has been set back by at least a year.”

Whether or not one buys Clinton’s assessment of that mission, it is difficult to believe that its timing was so critical that it required commencement virtually at the moment the House was scheduled to vote on the impeachment¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬. I think the most reasonable conclusion is that Clinton cynically deployed US military assets and placed military personnel in harm’s way for purely political reasons.

4) Clinton’s reckless sexual behavior was a threat to American national security:

Clinton and his supporters have been very effective in persuading large numbers of Americans that the Lewinsky scandal was “only about sex.” But I see a bigger issue here, because Clinton is on record as saying that he would have done anything to keep knowledge of the Lewinsky affair from becoming public.

To me, that statement raises a very serious question: What if, instead of sending her recorded Lewinsky conversations to Ken Starr, Linda Tripp had instead secretly offered them for sale, say, to the Chinese government? Or to the Russians? Or even to agents of Saddam?

What kind of blackmail leverage would those tapes have provided to a foreign government in dealing with America on sensitive trade, security or military issues? One of the few things Clinton ever said that I believe is that he would have done anything to keep the Lewinsky affair secret. Given his demonstrated track record of selling out American interests for personal or political gain (and there are more examples that I could have cited here), how far would he have gone in compromising America’s real interests in order to protect his own neck when threatened with blackmail?

Pretty far, I believe. Equally distressing is the prospect Clinton might, in fact, have succumbed to foreign black mail on other occasions in order to hide different sexual episodes that ultimately did not become public. There is no way to know, of course, but I prefer presidents for whom such a scenario is not a plausible possibility.

And don’t even get me started on the war crime in Kosovo.


During Bill Clinton’s 1999 NATO-led war in Kosovo – which according to some estimates cost as much as $75 billion – we bombed Belgrade for 78 days, killed almost 3,000 civilians, and shredded the civilian infrastructure (including every bridge across the Danube.)

We devastated the environment, bombed the Chinese embassy, came very close to engaging in armed combat against Russian forces, and in general, pursued a horrific and inhumane strategy to rain misery on the civilian population of Belgrade in order to pressure Milosevic into surrendering.

Why did we do all that? The US did not even have an arguable interest in the Balkans, and no one ever tried to claim that Serbia represented any kind of threat to our nation or our interests.

But for months the Clinton administration had told us that Milosevic was waging a vicious genocide against Albanian Muslims, and needed to be stopped. The New York Times called it a “humanitarian war.” In March 1999 – the same month that the bombing started – Clinton’s State Department publicly suggested that as many as 500,000 Albanian Kosovars had been murdered by Milosevic’s regime. In May of that year, as the bombing campaign was drawing to a close, Secretary of Defense William Cohen lowered that estimate 100,000.

Five years after the bombing, after all the forensic investigations had been completed, the prosecutors at Milosevic’s “War Crimes” trial in the Hague were barely been able to document a questionable figure of perhaps 5,000 “bodies and body parts.” During the war, the American people were told that Kosovo was full of mass graves filled with the bodies of murdered Albanian Muslims. But none were ever found.


During the election cycle of 1992, George H.W. Bush lost his job after Bill Clinton hammered him relentlessly for having caused the “worst economy of the last 50 years.”

In fact, as CNN’s Brooke Jackson has reported: “Three days before Christmas 1992, the National Bureau of Economic Research finally issued its official proclamation that the recession had ended 21 months earlier. What became the longest boom in U.S. history actually began nearly two years before Clinton took office.” See (See

By the same token, Clinton is generally perceived as having a stellar economic record during his own presidency, in spite of the fact that the economy was already starting to decline during the last year of his term after the stock market crashed in March 2000.

According to a report by MSNBC: “The longest economic expansion in U.S. history faltered so much in the summer of 2000 that business output actually contracted for one quarter, the government said Wednesday in releasing a comprehensive revision of the gross domestic product. Based on new data, the Commerce Department said that the GDP — the country’s total output of goods and services — shrank by 0.5 percent at an annual rate in the July-September quarter of 2000.” See:

3 posted on 02/19/2015 6:17:52 AM PST by Maceman
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To: E. Pluribus Unum
Other than lining the pockets of the Clintons who does this so call foundation help? There a lot of children going to bed hungry and kids having to conduct bake sales for their education. How much money through this foundation are these compassionate Democrats giving to help out?
4 posted on 02/19/2015 6:18:29 AM PST by bonehead4freedom
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To: E. Pluribus Unum

The big bucks are from OPEC/Middle East/Moslems. Their interests define Hillary. What’s wrong with that sheeple?

5 posted on 02/19/2015 6:18:42 AM PST by Broker (Obama is rogue.)
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To: E. Pluribus Unum
Nothing’s changed with these grifters.
6 posted on 02/19/2015 6:19:05 AM PST by Eric in the Ozarks (Rip it out by the roots.)
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To: E. Pluribus Unum

World’s most famous gypsies.

7 posted on 02/19/2015 6:19:22 AM PST by dead (It's time to turn off the Peter, Paul and Mary and turn on the George M. Cohan.)
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To: E. Pluribus Unum


WHAT ban??? Billy-boy has been taking foreign money for DECADES!

10 posted on 02/19/2015 6:43:48 AM PST by joethedrummer
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To: All
QATAR DONOR TO CLINTON FOUNDATION/LIBRARY: As Hollywood hotshots protest the Beverly Hills Hotel over its ownership by Brunei's sultan and his embrace of Sharia law, it turns out the Brunei government has financial connections to "The Clinton Foundation."

The tax-exempt, nonprofit Clinton foundation lists Brunei along with Kuwait, Oman and Qatar (new home of the Gitmo Five) as donors that gave between $1 million and $5 million through last year.

The Clinton foundation itself confirmed the 2002 donations: "The Clinton Foundation's impact would not be possible without the generous support of our donors," the foundation's website reads. "Their contributions have made a difference in the lives of tens of millions across the world." Read more at ...


W/ a straight face, Hillary recently told Greta the Gitmo Five are NOT a problem to the US. BUT...due to her "concussion" (cackle) she completely forgot to mention the Quatar donation.

Qatar has also been recently outed---as the place that is facilitating the funding of ISIS beheadings and immolations.


30-second quiz.

q. Who is 2016 candidate Hillary beholden to?

a. QATAR DONOR TO CLINTON FOUNDATION/LIBRARY: The tax-exempt, nonprofit Clinton foundation lists Brunei along with Kuwait, Oman and Qatar as donors that gave the Clintons between $1 million and $5 million (to date).

The Clinton foundation itself confirmed the donations: "The Clinton Foundation's impact would not be possible without the generous support of our donors," the foundation's website reads. "Their contributions have made a difference in the lives of tens of millions across the world." Read more at ...


30-second quiz.

q. Who is 2016 candidate Hillary beholden to?

a. w/ a straight face, Hillary recently told Greta the Gitmo Five are NOT a problem to the US. Hillary completely forgot to mention the buddy-buddy Qatar/Clinton connection.


30-second quiz.

q. Who is 2016 candidate Hillary beholden to?

a. Clinton donor----Qatar----also facilitates donations to further the beheadings and immolations conducted by ISIS.


30-second quiz.

q. Who is 2016 candidate Hillary beholden to?

a. Sharia-loving Emir of Qatar accepted the Gitmo Five terrorists relocated in the Bergdahl swap---living happily ever after in the lap of luxury.

12 posted on 02/19/2015 6:51:43 AM PST by Liz
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To: All
The Clinton Foundation fund-raising MO is to target a particular area of concern and create a fund-raising vehicle around it.

Earlier, a NYT's expose chronicled the shady tax-exempt
"Clinton Global Initiative" foundation---one of three Clinton Foundations.

go here to peruse 276 web pages of obscure programs---
all of them vehicles to raise money
all of the donors salivating for payback
w/ Hillary wielding the presidential pen.

1271 Avenue of the Americas 42nd Floor
New York, NY 10020


13 posted on 02/19/2015 6:55:45 AM PST by Liz
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To: E. Pluribus Unum

Even the liberal democraps admitted they’re worried about a Hillary campaign imploding over this scandal.

They might get stuck with ‘creepy uncle Joe’ as the 2016 nominee!

15 posted on 02/19/2015 7:03:47 AM PST by Beagle8U (NOTICE : Unattended children will be given Coffee and a Free Puppy.)
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To: All

7 more category of donors at link [drop down lists for each donor group]

The Clinton Foundation Contributors:

Donations greater than $25,000,000.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation *

Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (Canada) *

Fred Eychaner *

Frank Giustra, The Radcliffe Foundation

The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation


* Indicates a contribution was made by this donor in 2013.

Donations of $10,000,001 to $25,000,000

Donor name


Stephen L. Bing


Tom Golisano *

Government of Norway

The Hunter Foundation *

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Nationale Postcode Loterij *

Cheryl and Haim Saban & The Saban Family Foundation

The ELMA Foundation

Theodore W. Waitt

* Indicates a contribution was made by this donor in 2013.

Donations of $5,000,001 to $10,000,000

S. Daniel Abraham

Sheikh Mohammed H. Al-Amoudi

C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, Inc. *

Commonwealth of Australia, DIICC *

Elton John AIDS Foundation

Government of the Netherlands *

Irish Aid

John D. Mackay *

The Victor Pinchuk Foundation *

Michael Schumacher

State of Kuwait

The Coca-Cola Company

The Wasserman Foundation *

* Indicates a contribution was made by this donor in 2013.

Donations of $1,000,001. to $5,000,000

100 Women in Hedgefunds

Absolute Return for Kids (ARK)

Jay Alix

Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa *

Alltel Corporation

Nasser Al-Rashid

Anheuser-Busch Foundation

Smith and Elizabeth Bagley *

Mary Bing and Doug Ellis

Richard Blum and Blum Family Foundation *

The Eli & Edythe Broad Foundation

Susie Tompkins Buell Fund of the Marin Community Foundation *

The Sherwood Foundation *

Richard and Jackie Caring *

Gilbert R. Chagoury

Cisco *

Citi Foundation

Clinton Family Foundation and William J. Clinton *

Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund *

Victor P. Dahdaleh & The Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Charitable Foundation

Robert Disbrow

Dubai Foundation

Duke Energy Corporation *

Entergy *

Issam M. Fares & The Wedge Foundation

Wallace W. Fowler

Friends of Saudi Arabia

Fundacion Telmex *

Mala Gaonkar Haarman

The James R. Greenbaum, Jr. Family Foundation

ICAP Services North America *

J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Family Foundation *

Sanela D. Jenkins

Robert L. Johnson *

Walid Juffali

Dave Katragadda

Kessler Family Foundation

Michael and Jena King *

Lukas Lundin


Lakshmi N. Mittal

James R. Murdoch

Norad (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation) *

OAS S.A. *

Denis J. O’Brien *

OCP Corporation *

Open Society Institute

PGA Tour, Inc. *

Presidential Inaugural Committee

Princess Diana Memorial Fund

Procter & Gamble *

Stewart Rahr

Paul D. Reynolds

Robertson Foundation

Salida Capital Foundation

Joachim Schoss

Bernard L. Schwartz *

Arnold H. Simon

Bren Simon *

Amar Singh

Carlos Slim Helú & Fundación Carlos Slim *

Michael Smurfit

Steven Spielberg *

State of Qatar

Sterling Stamos Capital Management, LP

The Streisand Foundation *

Suzlon Energy Ltd.

Swedish Postcode Foundation *

Swiss Reinsurance Company *

Nima Taghavi *

The Annenberg Foundation

The Boeing Company *

The ELMA Philanthropies Services (U.S.) Inc.

The Government of Brunei Darussalam

The Howard Gilman Foundation

The Rockefeller Foundation *

The Roy and Christine Sturgis Charitable & Educational Trust

The Sidney E. Frank Foundation

The Sultanate of Oman

The Swedish Postcode Lottery

The Walmart Foundation

The Zayed Family

Torres-Picón Foundation *

T.G. Holdings

U.S. Green Building Council *

UK Department for International Development (DFID)

Verein Aids Life

The Walton Family Foundation

Gerardo Werthein

16 posted on 02/19/2015 7:05:26 AM PST by Liz
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To: E. Pluribus Unum

When does the Cliton Foundation register a “foreign agent”???

17 posted on 02/19/2015 7:26:08 AM PST by wetgundog ("Extremism in the Defense of Liberty is No Vice" -AuH2O)
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To: E. Pluribus Unum

No Money coming from inside the US ?

18 posted on 02/19/2015 7:38:29 AM PST by molson209 (Blank)
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To: E. Pluribus Unum

Old nose candy Bill would except money form the cartels.

20 posted on 02/19/2015 8:38:06 AM PST by Vaduz
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