What’s important here is that we don’t go getting on our high horse.
the irony is the criminal liberal media label conservative states who threaten succession as lunatics yet the biggest and longest secessionist movement can be found in the “home” state of the child presently occupying the White House...
So, I got a question for native Hawaiians. When the weather bureau uses the term “Pineapple Express” to describe the weather pattern that brought much needed precip to northern Cal and western Nevada, is that classified as offensive? Don’t want any micro aggression charges laid out. Must.....remain.......PC....... :>}
One little detail that might make a big difference - Taiwan isn’t completely financially dependent on the PRC, while Hawaii would need to give up its three primary sources of income from the US; the military, tourist industry and public transfer payments.
I suspect things are going to go red-hot before Obama leaves office. Everybody will want to pull their crud before chief golfer leaves office because Obama is weak and foolish.
Do the ChiComs want a piece of me?
You can tell 'em, Aloha, suckers!
When we stir up trouble in their back yard, they will stir up trouble in ours.
We no longer have the perception of being invincible. We got out lasted by irregulars in two countries, and have disarmed Europe.
We owe China - they have been bailing the USA out of financial crises - except for the fact that China hates a Muslim, Obama would probably open the flood gates and give China free access to the US as he has done countries South of the border. Obama’s game plan is whatever is necessary to weaken the US position in the world do it.IMO
Perhaps we should let China take over Hawaii. Let’s see what those lib dim-bulb-crats do when they find out that China won’t give them Obamafone money, terminates welfare, and they find that all the fancy hotels/etc have been taken over by China’s elite...who are even more corrupt than our “elite” (if that’s possible).
It is a beautiful state, and we have indeed done bad things to the population years ago. But, they should remember the phrase: “Cheer up, things could be worse. So I cheered up, and sure enough, things got worse.”
And, any state that gave is Dorkbama deserves in all respects to get very much worse.
Some here may take this a a joke, but let me tell you, had China or Russia offered to arm the secession movement in Maine, things would have turned out to be much different.
With the weapons that China would put in the hands of the secession movement of Hawaii, they could and, I'm sure, would be able to negotiate a agreement making them free and avoid war. You see with the weapons that Russia or China could make available to the freedom forces, the war could be brought directly to the halls of power in Washington.
The time is sure right for China to retake Taiwan. USA (Obama) won’t do anything about it. What are we going to do? Sanctions? Make Chinese goods illegal in the US? Quit paying our debt that we barrow the principle to repay?
Could Obama have suggested this to the Chi-Coms? As the first commie POTUS what better way to serve his masters than to snatch Hawaii from the US and back to China?
China knows this the time to act. It remotely possible American may have a President with a pair come 2016. Possible.
China must be in the crapper to come up with stuff like this.
I got an idea that ought to appeal to 0bama. If the Chinese want to arm some harmless kooks in Hawaii, maybe we ought to state our willingness to arm the Moslem Uighurs in Xinjiang.
They aren’t harmless kooks.
What a surprise, with the present administration looking for ways to dismantle the United States and our go along get along don’t hurt any of our socialist and islamic friends feelings republican congress. I’m surprised Russia and Canada aren’t working to divvy up Alaska and Japan isn’t going after the Aleutians. Will California and Arizona end up part of Mexico before the United Nations turn Central America, Mexico, the United States and Canada into the new brown nation of The New Socialist Nation of North America?
An interesting and detailed read on the issue:
They shouldn’t really bother. They should just ask Obama to hand them over. He’ll bow, scrape, and comply.