America's been waiting, wanting and needing a hero, and this one is timely and human.
Any Moslems take offense at this movie yet?
Didn’t Bush have something to do with this?
Try that with a Muslim movie. No matter how much the AC and the MSM lie to us we know the truth. We need to boot them out. They are not like other immigrants. They’re here to infiltrate and takeover our country. Bounce ‘em out on their turban heads...
I think to make it fair, Obama should confiscate half the movies take and give it to the “Selma” producers; you know, for “reparations”.
Sigh. I'm pretty sure that they were "stunned" by Lone Survivor and Passion of the Christ as well.
Hollywood, totally clueless.
You have to see American Sniper.
Incredible film and it’s biopic was heart wrenching.
Just awesome and like Lone Survivor, quite a few wet eyes at the end.
And we all stayed through the credits.
The silence was palpable.
We somberely left the theater with an even greater understanding and admiration for “Our” American Service members.
Eastwood simply made the best pro-America war movie ever made. Just an amazing movie who everyone should spend the money to see. I was encouraged to see how many young people were there.
Pray America is waking
While the competition did well this weekend against the titan American Sniper, some executives griped that the Eastwood film shaved off dollars off their initial projections.
It felt like we opened against a Marvel movie, said one studio executive about Snipers presence.
The people portrayed in American Sniper these are real-life heroes to people in the same way that Marvel characters are heroes to fanboys. But its the Marvel concept for adults.
I will see it as soon as possible. Movies about the person are usually more interesting than ones about their actions.
I wonder if there has been a movie about Simo Häyhä?
Movie correctly portrays how the muslim terrorists use women and children to hide behind as well as to carry out terrorist acts too. Movie shows Kyle having to kill a young boy who was given a grenade to throw at a Marine platoon. Mother was also shot when she picked up the grenade after her son was killed and tried to throw it at the marines. Kyle killed her too. These muslins are barbarians who have no respect for human life. War is hell and when women and children are brought into the fight it screws with the minds of US troops having to kill them.
Maybe you libs in Hollyweird ought to learn to respect God and country. In that order.
saw where some pos academy voter, said he would not vote for Eastwod due to his anti Obama appearance at RNC convention
how very liberal,
So Hollywood is stunned that Americans are still patriotic and enjoy patriotic films far more than the anti-war drivel that has been put out ever since 9/11.
Tried to reserve seats for a showing. The front row corner seat was available.
I think it’s a little bit of a reactionary response to the racist whiners crying about the snubbing of Selma, on top of the summer and fall we’ve had with the Mike Brown farce. I know the thought of going to see American Sniper appealed to me even more than it originally did just because I wanted to pile on.
You mean, Odungo trading 5 Taliban commanders for one DESERTER TO THE TALIBAN wasn’t just a mistake? Or his no show at the Paris anti-terror march wasn’t just a mistake? Or his releasing of 5 more Yemeni terrorists from Guantanamo one week after Yemeni-trained terrorists attacked Paris wasn’t just a mistake? /s
I am grateful that so many are seeing this movie.
America is not finished yet.