We sure don’t. The bastards in the government force us to “give it”.
“Cooper asked: “You hear that from people?”
“Oh yeah,” Fulton said. “The people say that all the time, ‘What are they complaining about now? What are they protesting about now?’”
I certainly get it. I learned ‘it’ the hard way in 60’s segregated Louisiana. Still have the scars.
Did Cooper let her give out her “Trayvon Martin Memorabilia” 1-800 number?
She did not even have much to do with raising Thugvon Martin but by golly he has become her full time job since the Zimmerman trial.
I may not get it lady, but neither do you...
So get a real job an do something to better society rather than living off the pity me railroad
Trayvon was a thug, Sybrina. I get that.
I agrees with her. No mutha should have to fear for her son’s life while he’s robbin a sto.
Oh lord, what is she complaining about now?
I think I DO get it... I live within the law and in showing respect I get some in return. Quite simple actually.
The guiding lights of their marches are ROBBERS.
Failed robbers.
That’s pretty amazing.
She is right. Many people don’t get why blacks see Al Sharpton as a “civil rights leader” when he is nothing more than a race agitator. They don’t get why blacks accept the narrative that blacks cannot make it in America when we currently have a black president and AG. They don’t get why blacks continually allow themselves to be tools for the political left who tells them they are inferior to others. She is right, many people in America don’t get it.
Ignorant b@tch who raised a thug.
My kids are Moreno, the difference being they’ve been raised to respect the law and the social contract. If they don’t, I sure as hell won’t be trying to justify it like some idiot slimeball.
Yeah, she lost a child. She also raised a bullying thug who robbed a store after beating up and old man. Sympathy is lacking here, but I will pray that she starts to “get it” all the same.
Not impressed sybrina.
There's a number of peeps who are outraged by the popo harassment by the likes of the BATFE, IRS, EPA, DoJ, Departments of the Interior and Agriculture, etc.
There's a lot of gov't krap going around.
We "get it" when black youths walk around with pants falling off their butts, black or gray hoddies over their heads down to their eyebrows giving us menacing looks, scare the Bejeezus out of us!
We "get it" especially when we observe a bunch of them mobbing in a 7/11 store grabbing goods & stuffing merchandise down their pants, then strong-arm the store manager/owner!
We "get it" when black mobs swarm into an upscale shopping areas, shoving shoppers against the wall, off the sidewalks then "play the black out game" knocking some poor unsuspecting older man or woman to unconsciousness, for fun!
Madam, the fact is we whites do "get it" and we don't like it one little bit!
Ever hear of the "knockout game" lady?
I got no sympathy for you.
there is plenty blacks do not “get” because they are black.
they don’t et that their thug spawn get shot because the are thgs’ they injure other people, they have massive chips on their shoulder, and incredibly short fuses. because they are raised to think that is being authentic black. and that thge rest of thge country isn’t going to be their little bitches.
when you have long crimibal records before 18, i don’t care what color you are, you are not a good boy or girl. you are a thug and a birthday away from big boy jail.
You're right, SF, we don't understand why blacks keep killing blacks, nor do we understand all the noise when a white cop permanently rehabilitates a black thug.