Political theater can have unexpected consequences.
Prior to the revolutionary war, Benjamin Franklin released some private letters from the Governor of Massachusetts in an effort to dissipate the radiacal fervor against Britain and focus it on the Governor. The King's privy council called in Franklin and publicly humiliated him, essentially casting HIM as the instigator of the trouble and no gentleman. Franklin is said to have muttered "I'll make your King a little man for this", flee Britain and throw in fully with the radicals from that point forward. And Frankin went on to be a HUGE factor in America winning that war.
I doubt Gruber becomes a Tea Party activist but he's an arrogant SOB and won't like being publicly humiliated. He may just decide to start blabbing even more, naming names and that sort of thing.
Gruber is synonymous with HUBRIS. He won’t do anything but take the medicine and hope they keep him out of jail.
I STILL maintain there is a ‘there’ there with respect to how his multiple consulting contracts were bid and contracted out. I think there is a serious disconnect with the amount of time he could devote among many contracts and what he, or MIT, bid on each one separately.