Recount and voter fraud. Investigate.
“Bongino also raised the possibility that a pending civil lawsuit alleging voter fraud could come into play at some point. Activists who filed the lawsuit last month in U.S. District Court in Baltimore contended they found evidence of non-U.S. citizens registered to vote in Frederick County, and asserted the same situation exists statewide. The state Board of Elections has acknowledged a possibility that some noncitizens have voted, since state and local election boards have no system for verifying the citizenship of voter registration applicants.”
From the article.
Here is a thought. When the next Congress is seated let them both show up. Whoever doesn’t leave in an ambulance or hearse can have it.
Has the GOP candidate conceded?
The Democrat does sound moderate.
The AP isn’t a Maryland Resident and is therefore UNWELCOME!
Stay the he LL OUT!
Count until we win. Then stop counting.
Hurray! Victory every time!
The first-term congressman led Dan Bongino by 2,269 votes out of more than 184,000 cast after Allegany, Frederick, Garrett and Montgomery counties reported their canvass results. Washington County's results will be announced Friday, said Kaye Robucci, the county's elections director.”
The Associated Press, not the Board of Elections, declared Delaney the winner. Is anyone surprised the MSM is trying to help the liberal Democrat.
Maryland's 6th district is a gerrymandered district with a weird shape that has no purpose other than ensuring the Democrat candidate wins.
However, Delaney is only ahead by 2,269 votes. All the votes have not even been counted.
There are far more than 2,269 residents of Maryland district 6 who are not citizens and not eligible to vote but voted for the Democrat.
Challenge the results. Challenge the eligibility of the voters.
Conservatives in the MD 6th. Your job is clear. Sign up every conservative in your district. Ask your family, your neighbors, every one you can talk to.
Conservatives who did not vote, your vote counts.
Conservatives who just want to be left alone, you will not be left alone by the Liberals. You have to vote conservative to be left alone.
Conservatives who vote. It is not enough. You have to vote and get one more conservative to the polls. If 10% of conservatives do this, it will negate the 10% advantage liberals have because of the liberal media.
The 6th is winnable in 2016.
Sorry for the rant.
Sounds like a GREAT test case for re-running the vote, but also verifying that everyone who does vote is legal.
I would expect the outcome to be quite different...more like our Texas results.
Maryland “Freak State” PING!
The headline is deceptive, IMO. It is the AP declaring Delaney the winner. I don’t think they have any authority here.