“Bongino also raised the possibility that a pending civil lawsuit alleging voter fraud could come into play at some point. Activists who filed the lawsuit last month in U.S. District Court in Baltimore contended they found evidence of non-U.S. citizens registered to vote in Frederick County, and asserted the same situation exists statewide. The state Board of Elections has acknowledged a possibility that some noncitizens have voted, since state and local election boards have no system for verifying the citizenship of voter registration applicants.”
From the article.
Bongino needs to check this out.
<><> Obama's Healthcare.gov is a sub rosa Dummycrat voter registration site. "Obamacare" is a huge voter fraud machine---registering unsuspecting enrollees who get plugged into Democrat voter rolls just by enrolling for "healthcare."
<><> NEWS STORY--Local couple received pre-marked voter registration card from "Covered California" (Cali O/Care); an envelope from the state's Obamacare website contained a letter discussing voter registration and a registration card pre-marked with an "x" in the box next to Democratic Party.
<><> Another Obamacare web site reported it "accidentally" registered 4000 latinos.
<><> The NC State Bd of Elections discovered thousands of DACA illegals registered to vote when the DMV ran a search for Obama-enabled DACAs w/ driver's licenses. (Keep in mind, this is happening in just one state.)
<><> The National Council of La Raza was circulating a list to paid agents of foreign governments on US soil---(1) raising money under false pretenses---and using it to "fix" US elections is a felony; (2) applying for tax dollars for one purpose then using tax dollars for something else (to fix US elections) is also a crime.