Posted on 11/05/2014 12:49:21 PM PST by Morgana
If youre concerned about the future of the country and want to know if the next generation of Americans cares about pro-life issues, look no further than the state of West Virginia. There, pro-life 18-year-old Saira Blair, who graduated from high school in May and is now a college freshman, ran on a pro-life platform to beat an incumbent state legislator.
Blair gives hope to pro-lifers wondering if teenagers really get it and want to make a difference for life.
sairablair2I think Im fully capable of doing the job, and I dont think its rocket science by any means not if you just listen to the people, Blair told the Martinsburg Herald-Mai.
Heres more:
Blair is an 18-year-old freshman at West Virginia University. Shes also now Americas youngest elected lawmaker as a delegate in the West Virginia House, after winning her election with 63 percent of the vote.
History has been made tonight in West Virginia, and while I am proud of all that we have accomplished together, it is the future of this state that is now my singular focus, she said.
Blair, a Republican, beat out 44-year-old Democratic attorney Layne Diehl for the spot in the House. In May, she beat a two-time incumbent for the Republican nomination.
Blairs platform centers around making West Virginiaand the Republican partymore welcoming to young people, young women especially.
The average age in Congress is 57, and the average age in the U.S. Senate is 62, but with all of that experience, weve only gotten more debt and less jobs, she told Teen Vogue this summer. I dont see how I could possibly hurt anything by being young and coming in with a fresh perspective. West Virginias population hasnt grown since 1980, and if we continue to stay where we are, were not going to keep young people in the state.
Very neat. How impressive.
Wow there is still hope for our nation.
I just love this..
That’s great!
I’ve been reading where some of the liberals are ready for some of the old people to die off. They need to realize that a lot of young people aren’t going to be as immoral and clueless as they are.
One thing a lot of young people are now seeing is that liberalism doesn’t work. They’ve been pushing “progressivism” for 100 years and it has been center-stage over the last six years. Progressivism/Liberalism is a failure. They had their chance and failed.
And one thing a lot of young college students are going to need is a job. All they’ve gotten from Obama and the liberals is fluffed up numbers.
Very cool. I wish her well and hope she can handle the load.
The idea of throwing one’s hat in the ring with a young untried person is exaclty what she states - wanting to see if a new fresh perspective can be used.
We voted for a young man a few years back several times who started fresh out of local high school to be on the Board of Education. I thought, “why not?” How could it be worse than all the elders who have not made it better and cannot see te forest for the trees?
Way cool!
So I sent out a tweet yesterday morning aimed at HS seniors, reminding them that it was a Democrat that made their school lunches so unfulfilling.
It got retweeted by some of followers, which got retweeted again, and kinda went viral across my state. Not huge, but I even had a Big12 conference football player retweeting me. That was pretty cool. It was males and females retweeting, so a pretty wide audience.
A tweet about tax policy, or social security, or even ISIS is not going to resonate with high school and college kids. But they know their school lunches have gone to crap under 0bama and fat arsed wife. Nice to know that a bunch of kids know it too.
Hopefully attending college does not seduce her to the liberal Satanic side.
Campaigning mostly from her dorm room.
Wow. What a great photo. She looks like Sarah Palin, Jr., and she sounds like it, too.
Steven Ertelt -—Check your copy before hit enter!
Newspaper in Martinsburg WV is The Journal
Newspaper in Hagerstown MD is The Herald Mail
What the flip is the Martinsburg Herald Mai?
Steven Ertelt -—Check your copy before hit enter!
Newspaper in Martinsburg WV is The Journal
Newspaper in Hagerstown MD is The Herald Mail
What the flip is the Martinsburg Herald Mai?
GREAT Night in West VA.
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