Posted on 10/28/2014 11:18:46 AM PDT by goldstategop
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper told thousands of mourners the nation was deeply grateful to a soldier killed by a gunman in Ottawa last week.
Mr Harper spoke at a funeral for Cpl Nathan Cirillo, 24, who was shot by Michael Zehaf-Bibeau while standing guard unarmed at Canada's war memorial.
Zehaf-Bibeau, 32, then entered Canada's Parliament and fired dozens of shots.
Mr Harper choked back tears as he addressed Cirillo's five-year-old son, Marcus Daniel Cirillo.
"May time ease the searing pain of today," Mr Harper said. "And may [Marcus] some day find comfort in the fact that our entire country looks up to his dad with pride, with gratitude [and] with deep abiding respect."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Hardly a dry eye at the cathedral where the Prime Minister spoke in his honor. Corporal Nathan Cirillo has become dear to Canadians.
And our deepest sympathies and thoughts go to out to his mother and his five year old son, who will never know his father.
He will not be forgotten!
Canada has very good reason to be deeply proud of both soldiers who’ve been murdered in recent days.
This week...
Canada has a hero ..
we have a zero.. (the Ebola “nurse”)
How can one not be moved?
"He will not be forgotten!
Cpl. Cirillo is part of a long tradition of distinguished service.
Prayers for the family and thanks to Canada
Patrice Vincent will be buried Saturday, in Longueuil, Quebec.
Its near my native Montreal.
Both Canada West and Canada East have lost their sons.
It will not fade with time.
Were that an American soldier, Obama wouldn't have bothered to attend.
May God bring comfort and strength to the family of this remarkable young man.
The “sting” of these events should never fade...
Thankfully, some people still remember, even now.
I hope they decide to truly honor Cpl Cirillo’s sacrifice by allowing future ‘ceremonial’ guards to utilize real firearms loaded with real ammunition while performing their duties.
It must suck to have to face down a man with a gun while holding what is effectively nothing more than a fancy-shaped club.
“Hardly a dry eye at the cathedral...”
No dry eyes in my house either.
Rest in peace, Cpl. Cirillo and may God give comfort to your loved ones.
Awww, that’s really cute.
Canada Ping!
Thank you Prime Minister Harper... Thank you Canada... Obama stands with deserters and strange ones... Nice to see Canada has the old values...
Lt. Col. Lawrence Hatfield, Cirillos commanding officer in the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, remembered the noble qualities of Nathan Cirillo, the soldier.
Nathan Cirillos cousin, Jenny Holland, shares some of the fondest family memories of Corporal Cirillo.
Argyll Pipe band delivers stirring rendition of Amazing Grace at Cpl. Cirillos funeral
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