Have you ever been told to break the law? Commit a crime? Engage in some illegal activity?
Did you do it? I don’t know you you have any spiritual or moral convictions, but I’ll assume you do. There are lines that you won’t cross, right?
This police officer was told to cross a line. He apparently is a man of conservative principles and he stood firm in his convictions.
God bless him.
However, when you take a job you are subject to their guidelines. If my job tells me to go to an event, I go. If not, I can quit or accept the punishment.
Should of brought his canine and brought some pig ears for it to chew..
Yes, as a matter of fact, I have been told to do things I knew violated the law. I walked away from extremely good paying jobs on two occasions. The hardest part wasn’t standing by my convictions. That was easy. The hardest part was knowing the decision I made wouldn’t just impact my life, but that of my family too. Nonetheless, I made my complaint known to my employer and when the employers refused to back down, I had to back out and leave the company.