To: TigerClaws
Were they “unaccompanied”? I guess we’ll have to let them stay.
2 posted on
09/17/2014 8:35:48 PM PDT by
(Don't just stand there! Help fight political correctness!)
To: FlingWingFlyer
I’m sure they were dropped off at a dmv office
To: FlingWingFlyer
just 4 poor people trying to find a better life who had no documents, and of course the media will cover this in great detail
66 posted on
09/18/2014 4:44:39 AM PDT by
(Marriage =1 man + 1 woman,when they say marriage equality then they should support polygamy)
To: FlingWingFlyer
Were they carrying a copy of Dreams of my Father or The Audacity of Hope with the Koran.
To: FlingWingFlyer
Unaccompanied Moslems....the new phraseology for undercover terrorists.
82 posted on
09/18/2014 7:51:17 AM PDT by
the OlLine Rebel
(Common sense is an uncommon virtue./Federal-run medical care is as good as state-run DMVs.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson