PA Sports Authority
WTH is the PA Sport Authority????
Whatever happened to “Never Again!”
Israel should simply go all out & totally destroy every Palestinian enclave - West Bank, Gaza, whatever. Then maybe the rest of the Arab world will get the message.
This is the predicted result of Israel not destroying her enemies. She’d rather conduct military operations as “ humanitarian activities,” leaving the enemy alive and still in occupation of the territories they use to attack Israel. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. It’s not humanitarian to spare your enemies’ lives when all that does is let them come back and murder your own families and more innocent civilians.
These are the moderates that Israel is supposed to negotiate with as they follow a pathway to peace. Perhaps with Obama’s help they could be talked into promising only to slaughter Jews living in Judea, Samaria and half of eastern Jerusalem, in return for Israel giving up more land. The Jews get true peace and safety in the other half of eastern Jerusalem, and the moderate terrorists get more land. Everyone wins!
Hey, it’s working for ISIL and they know obama won’t do a thing to them(except threaten to bring them to NYC to prosecute)
What is new about this? It is muslim policy to kill all jews. After all, they are the religion of peace. Hmmm, something doesn’t add up but....
This whole area is like a cancer upon the earth and the only cure is radiation, “Lots of it.”