This is the predicted result of Israel not destroying her enemies. She’d rather conduct military operations as “ humanitarian activities,” leaving the enemy alive and still in occupation of the territories they use to attack Israel. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. It’s not humanitarian to spare your enemies’ lives when all that does is let them come back and murder your own families and more innocent civilians.
Exactly. Kindness to the cruel is cruelty toward the kind.
I, personally, have had enough of that crap. Time to face reality: Israel and the entire civilized world face an implacable enemy, one that obeys NONE of our Western ( i.e. Judeo - Christian) morality because its so-called holy book is really a recipe book for enslavement and conquest written by a child-molesting, thieving, mass-murderer. There is NO reasoning, NO bargaining, NO compromise, NO cease-fire and NO buying these people off. They will murder us singly, by tens, hundreds, thousands or millions if they can...and then come back for more. Time to end this on our terms.