So, where is that going to end up?
Well it started with local cops. Then Capt. Johnson and his state troopers showed up.
Things kept getting worse.
Now the National Guard has been called in. Still the natives are restless.
One thing is clear: Obama and Holder are WANTING the escalation of rioting and looting. Nothing is being done on a local, state or even national level that isn’t increasing the harm to Ferguson as this advances the divide and conquer strategies of the Kenyan.
August is only half gone. There can still be a long hot summer
Perhaps the riots and looting and faux black rage will escape Furgeson into a real city.
It doesn’t seem to be clear to people that there are those who either reject Ob and his advances; join with him and advance onto others, or accept his bribes and unwittingly get used.
This guy, black state trooper, appeared to jump at the chance, and is now regretting it, though he doesn’t know what hit him.
It’s so obvious from the start.