Why don’t they do through their own courts?
Putin is an evil man, yet how does a plane crash in the Ukraine involving either Ukrainian and/or Russian militaries wind up in the US courts?
If you want an international court of justice, I think there is one in the Hague.
And then the British court said I had to pay 875 trillion rubles....
Wonder how much of Putin’s billions are invested worldwide?
Squeeze the war criminal and then squeeze some more.
Why do the Ukrainian army and its mercenary outfits have AA in the war zone in the first place, to take down kites flown by “terrorist Putinistas?” So I’ll assume they have proof of previous incursions of Russian planes and were set up to take them on, so is it possible that a plane like the airliner could be mistaken for a warplane? I’m still betting on the Ukes having botched this job.
Does this really belong in an American court room? Why not a European court? It wasn’t an American airliner, citizens that died were not Americans, it wasn’t shot out of the sky over America, ok the plane was built here but it was sold over 10 years ago. I don’t get it, and I really don’t want to hear about it on the news day after day like the OJ trial.
Does ANYONE with a bit of common sense REALLY believe Putin or any other ex-KGB Russian is shaking in their boots over a potential lawsuit???
Do lawyers ever read or understand Russian history as well as culture??
Arrange to Shoot down a plane and get sued? If that’s all it will cost him, expect more.
If Putin chose to file a libel and defamation lawsuit in British courts, he could be laughing all the way to the bank.
My nephew is probably involved in this, it is what he does.
Putin: “don’t fly commercial aircraft thru an active war zone.”