Posted on 07/18/2014 8:27:40 AM PDT by HammerT
Sister you mean, but that is okay. :)
The thought we agree on comes from Dinesh D'Souza when he says; "To remake America you have to UNmake America".
Since the modern surge of the progressives in the late 60s unmaking America has been the goal. It is what drives Obama, Holder, Jarrett and the Chicago culture of the old Bill Ayers/Bernadine Dorhn school. It is anarchistic in nature in that destruction is the goal, but beyond it there is no plan.
A comment to be remembered came from a famous Weather Underground meeting where they we talking about escalating the bombings and attacks on what they determined to be establishment icons. A leader of the discussion said that they were building momentum and people were becoming involved to the ppooint that bringing the government down was actually possible.
At that point someone asked what they would do if they really did bring down the government. The room, it is said, went silent for a while and then one of the leaders (maybe Bill Ayers) said, "Then we rebuild it, but this time we'll be in charge."
I believe this recollection of the past defines the view of the future held by Obama and most liberals. They want everything turned inside out, borders erased and laws used in their favor so that they can be in charge and separated by their elite status from the people they consider as lower than them, but pretend to care about. In the end, all they want is power, and they really have no thought or concern for the welfare of the society.
The rant about wealth and power and pontificate about the evils of capitalism as they get support from highly successful capitalists like Buffett, Gates and Tom Steyer. Their actions and goals are succinctly stated in the axiom that,"under capitalism, the wealthy take the power while under socialism the powerful take the wealth".
Absolutely. And civil disobedience comes in many forms.
Someone needs to take the “Anarchists cookbook” and make a new one called the “Patriot’s Cookbook” with some plans for this sort of thing.
One idea that has come up for civil disobedience of dealing with federal government agents is called “drunking”. When a federal agent comes to enforce some sort of draconian unconstitutional measure they are “detained” and made to drink copious amounts of alcohol, they are then taken out a remote stretch of highway with their car and thier car is driven off the road and into something like a tree or light pole at a slow speed (enough to dsiable the car) by someone dressed in protective crash gear then the drunken SOB is then placed behind the wheel and left in their car. A call is made to local law enforcement authorities on a burner phone that there is crashed car on route XYZ and the local cops now have a federal tyrant drunken and behind the wheel.
But that is one example of non-violent way of dealing with a federal “beer-o-crat” that is non-violent short of good old tar and feathering.
IMPEACH.... why wait
there are at least 25 impeachable offenses by our second BENEDICT ARNOLD
inaction and silence is complicity.......
we shoudl deduct $x/person from the aid we waste on honduras to cover the cost which will be billions per year, plus the ehalth danger to communities where they are being snuck in..
More coverup and corruption from a failed white house...
In the end, they will be taken down bigtime.
I’ve thought that Coward-Peeven was the strategy all along
Deficits, food stamps, obamacare, subsidies here, subsidies there, divide and conquer racial and gender and homosexual obsessions
At the state and local levels too
Past time to expose this and get outraged
Aftermath of the Obama Vortex.
Today and tomorrow’s border crisis protests is a start. Revolt has started.
Look to 1930’s Germany and their Dictator for answers.
Obama’s competency doesn’t matter...he’s not the one making the decisions, he’s a front man. So far, he’s been wildly successful at fooling a majority of Americans because they are so self-indulgent in their own lives...they see Obama putting on his celebrity act. These people do not question his competency because they don’t link Obama to the policies that are destroy us...Obama is a victim, he’s doing his best, its the evil Republicans, its excuse after excuse, even though he’s POTUS..Obama plays that up to great effect to the sheep and they buy it. Obama perfectly distances himself during crisis after crisis, and that’s the reasons for all the photo ops and golf games, fundraisers.
The damage is being done behind the scenes...Executive order after executive order...amnesty next.
The Republican leadership is too out of touch, bought off, lazy, and just plain dumb to see how transformation is here and will put the party in the trash bin of history unless Patriots can cause a tsunami in 2014/16
yes sister I wish this was editable
Open borders > New World Order > One World Government
He's not a Blunderkind. He's a tool.
More and more these days
I get the sinking feeling
They don’t need our votes
The more our “leaders” disregard the will of the electorate and shamelessly line their own pockets, the more it seems that they are confident they can maintain power even if most Americans will not vote for them.
Could it be that the number of fraudulent and manufactured votes, when combined with the number of dependent voters who can always be counted on to vote themselves more money are sufficient to outweigh the rest of the country?
Sun Tsu - Never underestimate your enemy. Never overestimate your own forces.
What do you think this One world govt is? Answer. Sharia.
In many ways the Cloward-Piven strategy doesnt make much sense why would people want to trust the same incompetent cadres who got them into a big mess in the first place?
But these are the same people who insanely think that socialism can actually work when its failed everywhere else.
Ive seen it elsewhere that people refer to socialism as organized evil.
So far stupidly has been our salvation.
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