Obama’s competency doesn’t matter...he’s not the one making the decisions, he’s a front man. So far, he’s been wildly successful at fooling a majority of Americans because they are so self-indulgent in their own lives...they see Obama putting on his celebrity act. These people do not question his competency because they don’t link Obama to the policies that are destroy us...Obama is a victim, he’s doing his best, its the evil Republicans, its excuse after excuse, even though he’s POTUS..Obama plays that up to great effect to the sheep and they buy it. Obama perfectly distances himself during crisis after crisis, and that’s the reasons for all the photo ops and golf games, fundraisers.
The damage is being done behind the scenes...Executive order after executive order...amnesty next.
The Republican leadership is too out of touch, bought off, lazy, and just plain dumb to see how transformation is here and will put the party in the trash bin of history unless Patriots can cause a tsunami in 2014/16
Obamas competency doesnt matter...hes not the one making the decisions, hes a front man.
I think you missed the point of my comment which was if Obama was competent (i.e., someone with considerable executive skills) he could do a lot more damage to the country. In that respect, his competency does matter.
In other words, the Obama regime is bad enough as it is, but it could be even worse and it doesnt take much knowledge of history or imagination to see the immense destructive potential of power in the hands of a truly skilled Machiavellian leader.