Isn’t that what the fence is intended to do?
So build a wall so we don’t have to look at them.
Lets say you build a fence, just hypothetically, and you saw five hundred children standing at the fence, and you saw them standing there 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours, 96 hours. Theres a fence there and they cant go anywhere and they stay there. What do you do? Hoyer responded.
Sorry for the caps. These idiots have me at my last nerve today.
From the mouth of an assclown.
So...? Let them stand there on their side of the border.
make it opaque so you don’t have to look at them.
It should hurt to be so stupid
In the old days, Texas ranchers on the border posted their land. Outriders would patrol the land looking for rustlers, trespassers, thieves, etc. My understanding is they would shoot illegals and dump them in the Rio Grande.
Why do we even need the Fed’s to protect our property?
I give them your home address Steny and say “Mi casa es su casa”?
Round up the other 25 Million illegals and put them on the other side of the fence to keep them company.
Let them stand there for a while? I have a feeling that they don’t come up through Mexico to stand at a fence. I think it’s for the free stuff.
That idiot stenny should be told its better having these illegals behind that fence than in our country sucking the life out of our taxpayers and economy.
I for one am tired of feeding these ParSites and watching my tax load go up on everything.
If We Built Border Fence, Children Would Just Stand Behind It
Then they would be Mexico’s problem not ours.
Mexico is the one letting these illegals cross THEIR Southern Border and travel the length of Mexico to get to our Southern Border.
Mexico could shut this down in one second if they wanted to but they are actually enabling the disasters.
The Solution is make this Mexico’s problem, not ours by keeping the invasion on the Mexican side of the border.
Heck, I’d put all we have right now in buses, back the buses up to the border anyplace, push the kids out the back door.
Then call the Mexican govt and tell them to come pick up their kids. Any Guats or El Sals? Your problem.
Lets say you build a fence, just hypothetically, and you saw five hundred children standing at the fence, and you saw them standing there 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours, 96 hours. Theres a fence there and they cant go anywhere and they stay there. What do you do?
What do you do????
Why you would build it higher and make it a solid privacy style fence so you can’t see the little buggers any more.
Not. Our. Problem.
Let their parents and Mexico deal with it.
Stop feeding feral cats and they stop coming around.
As Herman talmadge used to say, “America needs to stop being the policemen and Santa Claus for the whole world!”