War on women manual author for the democraps.
The spawn of HollyWierd.
“In the 107,927-word memo titled My Twisted World,
Wasn’t “My twisted World” the original title of obama’s “dreams of My Father”?
He clearly didn’t embrace his feminine side.
Hard to believe that if the cops were actually called by this deranged man’s family, with all the gun control laws already on the books in California, that there was not a policing technique that passed constitutional muster, that would have stopped this lunatic before he started shooting.
Sounds familiar...
“Birth control itself, often denounced as a violation of natural law, is nothing more or less than the facilitation of the process of weeding out the unfit, of preventing the birth of defectives or of those who will become defectives.”
Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood
Why can’t these guys take themselves out first?
CRAZINESS send out a very strong “Do Not Hump” signal.
The person can be hot, rich, drive a great ride BUT:
If they’re freaking nuts there is very wide acceptance of the Do Not Hump rule.
It’s just wrong, and this guy detected and resented that.
And he was probably GAY.
Watch his videos, he seems to be the kind of guy that makes your skin crawl within the first few minutes of being in his presence.
He has an aura that females could pick up very quickly and that his car and money and Hollywood connection couldn’t overcome.
And nobody noticed this ticking time bomb????
With all the billions that are spent by the government on ‘protection’ agencies?
What’s not to like? Am I right?
Besides being a narcissistic psycho-killer, he really was quite a catch.
If you want to save yourself 100+ pages of self-absorbed drivel and terminal self-pity, here’s the skinny: If no girl in the world will have absolutely anything to do with you that’s clear evidence that you are as close to the perfect human being as there’s ever been, and that every single female that’s alive today is totally messed up and incapable of recognizing pure genius.
Did Bill Clinton write this?
O.K. It just does not ring true to me at all. I get the impression of a screen play for a really bad slasher film and not a manifesto. I don’t doubt the guy killed those people and himself but I think this was a red herring so no one would bother finding out the real motive beyond him being a nut case.
He looks like a young Jim Jones of the People’s Temple. His views on women are just like those of the radical muslims. His concerns about “fairness” are so liberal.
Saw a smoking and beautiful woman with a but ugly dude the othdr day.
Didn’t compute
I’m not advocating this but couldn’t he just go out and rent a hooker rather than kill people?
He didn’t want woman, he wanted a sex trophy. If you looked at his Facebook page, it’s loaded with pictures of him showing of his financial status. Things like him sitting in a Lear jet drinking champagne.
He wasn’t interested in anybody who was on his approximate physical attractiveness level who would have challenged him.
This is exactly what happens when a politically correct society ceases to teach how to deal with adversity and rejection and by doing so denying the ability to build any semblance of a strong and moral character.