The bottom line is that we are destroying the entire system for what could have been accomplished with just a bit of common sense reform to Medicaid.
Working as intended.
“The debate is over. What difference does it make at this point?”
Some joined because their insurability factor of 63 days was lapsing and they had no choice. Others signed on, then transitioned on to other coverage, via work etcetera. Some signed on to a private coverage through, not seeking the tax breaks the government was using to entice folk to sign on.
It would be interesting to know the straight scoop how many people are using Obamacare in the way it was intended.
2 million? 3 million? More? Less?
Getting less healthcare for more money. What a deal! Thanks Barry!
We can really build up the numbers when the IRS and HHS starts sending SWAT teams to arrest people who refuse to buy this crap.
Here’s another news flash! Obamacare made many Medicare Advantage and Medigap Policies go away. I was informed by my MA carrier last October that my policy was being terminated because it didn’t conform to Obamacare “standards.”
They didn’t offer me an alternative, they just gave me a Medicare website to find myself a new policy. I have, and I am paying more (but just think if as a 73 year old male, I get pregnant, I’m covered). But consider that there are probably millions of seniors who experienced similar cancellations solely because of FUBOcare and we are not included in the numbers of people affected by this terrible law.