Posted on 05/10/2014 10:06:52 AM PDT by Jim Robinson
BOSTON, May 9 (UPI) -- An atheist Massachusetts couple failed to prove their children had been harmed by the words "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance, the state's highest court ruled Friday.
The couple, identified only as "John and Jane Doe," argued their children's rights were violated by the voluntary recitation of the pledge -- including "Under God" -- in the public schools in the Acton-Boxborough district. But the Supreme Judicial Court ruled unanimously they failed to make their case, saying they had not proved the children had been subjected to bullying, ostracism or any other punishment or mistreatment for refusing to say the pledge or for keeping quiet while everyone else was saying "Under God."
The couple sued in state court under the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights because the U.S. Supreme Court has already ruled on the issue.
Chief Justice Roderick Ireland, who wrote the opinion, also said school officials in the district -- which includes two wealthy suburbs northwest of Boston -- do not track students' patriotism, or lack thereof.
"The fact that a school or other public entity operates a voluntary program or offers an activity that offends the religious beliefs of one or more individuals, and leaves them feeling 'stigmatized' or 'excluded' as a result, does not mean that the program or activity necessarily violates equal protection principles...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
My God, something must be wrong...a judge with common sense and no progressive agenda.
God knows who they are...
Excellent...They weren’t blinded by the light when they passed the church in their neighborhood either. And their sneaks....those bills likely said...”In God We trust”.
This is the same Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court which opened the door to homosexual marriage in America, so I think they are liberal. But just not liberal enough to go so far as to rule that “under God” in the pledge violates an atheist’s constitutional rights.
Well, I guess even progressives can have an occasional lapse into sanity.
Why did they hide their identity ?
Aren’t we allowed to face our accuser ?
John and Jane Doe.
Good grief! Stand up and be counted a—holes!
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