Posted on 05/08/2014 12:18:37 PM PDT by ABN 505
TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. (AFNS) -- (This feature is part of the "Through Airmen's Eyes" series on These stories focus on a single Airman, highlighting their Air Force story.)
Between sips of an iced coffee, Airman 1st Class Leslie Wilson, a 60th Dental Squadron dental technician here, talks about her life.
She talks about her childhood in Tennessee, going to college on a soccer scholarship and following in her father's footsteps by joining the military.
However, she also discusses candidly that she is a lesbian, serving in the U.S. Air Force.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Following in her daddy’s footsteps. He liked women too.
She looks the part.
There’s that word ‘pride’ again...
Goshhhh how nice! Why can’t we all be gay!
anybody else notice anything here? excess male hormones?
Gone are the days when the USAF would bring us Airmen in, give us the yearly anti sodomite talk, make us sign the paper that we had been given our yearly talk and let us go.
Wonder if they still have the out-processing sodomite barracks at Lackland where all the perverts were before they were given the final “hit the road”.
Certainly a moving social experiment.
After all, its not like the armed forces are expected to face life or death struggles. Its just a politically correct social club, right?
You can. Gay is happy, not queer.
A Dental squadron? YGBSM.
Dental Squadron LOL I guess someone has to do it.
I served as an Army Medic from 69-77 when the policy and the Law matched. (Exclusion—was the answer when someones sexual orientation became a factor the unit commander could no longer ignore) My only son was encouraged by his public school to
“try it” (homosexuality) and “decide for himself” Then we were told they had been advising him— a per national public school policy I was told— he was encouraged and,protected,(on school property) his sisters were ignored and eventually dropped out.I wrote every recruiter who sent mail saying my son was Unfit for service by reason of his chosen lifestyle. When an “unusually good Liar announced DADT. I wrote the President telling him why this former Army MEDIC -was opposed to that bad/destructive policy.The white house response was typical political FUVM form card a lot of words that said Nothing. The address was SEIG HEIL and my mailing address.The next day (Sundays excepted) I changed political Party association. Hell —and I don’t mean that berg in the UP will freeze over before I will ever allow any Democrat beguile me into supporting that enemy foreign and domestic.
With the present danger. The only truth I recall is his desire to fundamentally change America. I liked America better when we chose Moral and Religious men as our leaders who ruled in fear of God and did not act as if they were chosen to be gods over us. I cannot encourage ANY to enlist -or re-up—today. I don’t know how many Patriots have been forced out/purged—I suspect a large number have been.One spoke of the road we are being led down Persecution—Prosecution— then Execution.Our government has overstepped and has forgotten they were established by men to secure the rights given by God,Himself. (Not by Government) “we should not suffer laws contrary to those dictated by God, Himself to remain. The enemy of God-—The enemy of Our Country is the one who embraces Gay Rights—The one persecuting Christians —as Noah Webster published in 1833 There are two forces only that can control the passions of men and allow peaceable administration — as Robert Charles Winthrop told the Mass. Bible society A decade later they are “the Bible or the Bayonet” The Reprobates have benefited from the bayonet in the hands of the enemy of God.But I’ve read the instruction manual — they LOSE in the end.
Good God...
I retired from the AF in 2004. I seriously would never fit in with this homosexuality-embracing, PC-obsessed shell of its former self.
spartans, who were notorious for their penchant for buggery, fared pretty well in life-and-death struggles.
All the Bushes and the Clintons and the Obamas embrace homosexual behavior.
Not because they were gay. It’s pretty much accepted that, in combat, you don’t fight for cause and country, you fight for the people in your unit.
stop feeding the machine....stop feeding the monster....
1. College and an A1C? Something doesn't add up. Did she not finish, or could she not get into Officer school?
2. Look at me! Look at me!
To be certain, they did. However, they were more the masculine type, and would likely pound most of these modern-day fairies into the ground.
That being said, let's see, how's Sparta doing as a world power these days?
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