These people are despicable.
When a man sticks a "kick me" sign on his own behind...
If he had a better grasp of the fact that black family life has disintegrated in direct correlation to the "War on Poverty", he has a defensible position. Throwing out that "picking cotton" allusion is just stupid.
Realistically this signals that Bundy is finished. How sad. You can be right but politically wrong and that will finishh you.
Well it didn’t help that the man said something flat out stupid.
I agree with his likening the plantations to the welfare state, we say that all the time around here because it’s right.
But he went WAY too far when he said, “[black people are enslaved to the state] because they never learned to pick cotton”.
The man is political nuclear waste now. Of course his cause was/is just but he just played right into the leftists grubby hands with that, yes I’ll say it, RACIST comment.
I hope it isn’t true. Maybe he didn’t say black people are in jail and abort their babies “because they never learned how to pick cotton”. But if he did, he just destroyed his own cause and that of any other citizen fighting against the jack boot of the state.