Sad to see she doesn't realize that fixing racism with more racism just leads to more racism. There are other ways to help poor students get to college without employing race-based discrimination.
Scholarships should be strictly academic. When an attorney told me he went to college on a Golf scholarship, I ROTFALMAO.
However, talents (athletics, music, writing, mathematics, dance...) should be considered.
Jill Lawrence should find a new career.
Colleges should look at nothing more than academic ability and ability to pay.
Private scholarships should be encouraged and if some of them want to give scholarships to blacks, so be it.
And when blacks get into college because of the color of their skin and graduate with a major in African-American LGBTXYZ studies and then cant’ fine a job, that’s racism too.
She doesn’t seem to grasp the notion that the decision was about public universities. As for private universities, they should be able to do what they want. Of course when they take public money, they open themselves up to government control.
I don’t know who Jill Lawrence is be she seems to be straining mightily at a gnat.
Jill Lawrence can stick her race card where the sun don’t shine.
The difference is that consideration by race is banned by the Constitution.
University admission should be decided on academic performance with only the absolutely top students admitted. There should be no set asides for race, creed, color, sex, or anything else. If you do not have the brainpower to do the work, you don’t belong in a university.
There is already proof that the graduation rate of minorities selected on academic performance is on par with others, including Asians — an overlooked minority because of their individual success rate.
She better think twice about allowing illegal aliens to attend State College. They’ll take up the slot of willing and able minority students.
“New York University sociologist Patrick Sharkey, author of “Stuck in Place: Urban Neighborhoods and the End of Progress toward Racial Equality,” offered some astonishing statistics. For instance, on average, black families making $100,000 a year or more live in worse neighborhoods than white families making less than $30,000.”
If they come from a family too stupid to MOVE to a decent neighborhood, then they probably have a low IQ.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin by the content of their character.
This dummny doesnt seem to realize or is too dishonest to admit what is so pernicious about race based preferences. Anyone of ANY race can be a scholar. Anyone of ANY race can have wealthy Parents or be a legacy alumni parent. Anyone of ANY race can be an athlete. Anyone of ANY race can be a musician scholar qualified for a musical scholarship.
You must be BORN with the right chromosomes to take advantage of racial preferences in affirmative action, which by definition excludes ALL citizens without them. To try to pretend this distinction is the same as any other is the height of dishonesty and obsfucation, and a direct violation of the 14th amendment.
Typical progressive bubble-head lacking all understanding!
If Affirmative Discrimination, er excuse me, Action students achieved at the same rate as non-AA students, then idiots like Lawrence would have a point. The facts are students let in on AA do worse academically and drop out far more than students admitted on merit. All AA programs and practices do is let the unqualified occupy positions for which they are mostly incompetent. Imagine making the NBA or NFL artificially 75% white. The quality would suffer.
The best thing in the world for blacks is for blacks to gain entrance based on their accomplishments...academic, arts, athletics, etc.
If you want to elevate a people you find and promote their best.
Will spindly, graceless people, still smarting over being picked last for every team underwrite ballot initiatives that ban consideration of the genetic gift of athletic talent?
Yup. There are: for example at public universities have a uniform policy of accepting students who graduated high school within the state in the top tenth, quarter, third, or some other fraction of their high school class. This give a leg up to students from disproportionately poor highs schools. Or simply give favorable consideration to students whose family of origin is poor. Or to first-generation college students (no ancestors who attained a college degree).