bkmrk later read
why would any Jew support either the pro-Russkie folks or the Bandera folks—neither can stand them.
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I just got sick to my stomach.
This has got to be some fringe faction trying to stir up trouble with a possible humanitarian crisis like with Kosovo Albanians. The thing that gets me is this letter sent to the Jewish population will evoke little or no response. I can only imagine what the current US Administration would do if it were sent to the Muslim community.
Putin and Putinistas wants to have it both ways. He and they claim those who pushed out Putin’s theiving puppet are NAZIS. Then they claim the Russians protect are protecting the Jews and that’s why they have to steal part of Ukraine for Putin and his cronies. Then they claim the Jews support those who got rid of Putin’s puppet. If you can’t keep up, it’s understandable. Their sophistries make no sense and only further show how duplicitous Putin and the Putinistas are.
So now it’s the RUSSIANs who are the anti-Semite Nazis?
I’ve been repeatedly told by the Putin-Boosters here that the Ukes are the Nazis.
It’s so confusing when the opposite turns out to be true.