What about people gas? I am certain Moochelle emits some after her many vacations.
Did the dinosaurs fart? Are the alarmists claiming that was the cause of temperatures on earth back then?
Does Al Gore belch?
This NPR person is intellectually challenged...definitely from the LEFT side of the Bell Curve.
Unless the plant material is frozen or buried deeply it is all going to be metabolized into methane either by the cows or by bacteria.
Getting rid of all the cows would not change a thing.
“Gassy Cows Are Warming The Planet, And They’re Here To Stay”
Pet Cows All the Rage in Suburbs, Prices Soar
[Little play on the crazy goat market.]
So, the BLM was just trying to protect the world
from the Bundy cows?
Didn’t Buffalo once cover the plains by the millions. Weren’t the Serengeti plains loaded with much more animals. That’s a lot of farts.
Give all dem cowses some probiotics or sumfin.
Well, we’re supposed to ban bossy. So say bye to Bossy the cow.............................
Well that settles it! The Southern border needs patrols. No letting any more gassy beaneating Mexicans in! Think of the methane costs!
If these wackos keep it up, we’ll soon hear about fish farts warming the planet.
It is a horrible situation. Animals all belch, fart and exhale greenhouse gases. And when plants and animals die, their bodies all decompose into greenhouse gases.
It is obvious. The only way to save the earth is to eliminate all life and ship all of that carbon into the sun. Presumably, the last few people alive will take care of that task.
Composting is exactly like what goes on in a cows stomachs isn’t it?
They want to outlaw plant matter from decaying?
Never fear. 2015 guidelines for the US diet point to NO MEAT.
“Meet the Radicals Creating the New Federal Dietary Guidelines
Environmentalism creeps into food policy”
“Clancy said beef production is the greatest concern.
Meat production is harmful to the environment because of manure runoff and methane production by cattle, she said, which has a much stronger effect on climate change than carbon dioxide does per unit of methane.
Following the talk, Dr. Miriam Nelson, a member of the DGAC committee, thanked Clancy for her really, really wonderful presentation.
I think the good news here, in my mind, is that when we look at actually the current dietary guidelineswith the exception of fish, because I think fish is an issuereally we are talking about eating more plants, fewer animals, she said.”
Shall I point out that there used to be buffalo herds that stretched for miles during the last little ice age?